New Message to the Little Prophet of Love from Our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, Mother Miriam on LifeSite News, “A One-World Government is Upon Us: Catholics Prepare!”

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. We are posting another Podcast from Mother Miriam on LifeSite News where she discusses the One World Government. But first, here is the latest prophetic message from the Little Prophet of Love given by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is the latest message copied to this blog,

August 30th 


After The Divine Mercy Chaplet,  St. Michael Long-form and The Litany of the Name of Jesus. My child, yes Jesus is here. You have been faithful to Me. I AM pleased that you pray in this way. It’s difficult to love Me sometimes. I know you have had a challenging week. I will be with you and everything you have worried about I will take care of. I know children are behaving in a difficult manner. I can see so much sin spreading. This will not last forever children. The darkness that is now being poured upon this earth, I have allowed. This will then be taken away and I will bring My light. Then children I have given you a life of peace. Then I will let peace reign. This children is a window of the future to come. Place your lives before Me. I can see each heart. I AM God, I can see how you think. This is Me your Father. I want to say how little time there is now. This is a time when you should all confess your sins. I want a clean soul. Be children who love Me, not children who hate Me. I AM saddened, this world is so sinful. Pick up your crosses. Come I will give you rest, like I will always love you and I want you to love Me. 

Love is Me.

This is Jesus and I give you My love. 

In The Name Of The Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit 

In this message, Our Lord is telling the Little Prophet again that there is no time left, and we must all seek confession. Our Lord also said that what we are witnessing now, is just a window into what is coming in the future, and the darkness is being poured out on the earth, but also His Light will come behind the darkness. If you have not conducted a general confession, please do so now, as soon as possible.

Next, we are going to post another Podcast show by Mother Miriam with LifeSite News. This show was conducted on August 24, 2020, two days before the Podcast where Mother Miriam informed her listeners to prepare for the Great Chastisement. Mother Miriam did not say that she knew the Chastisement was coming, but with the current events in our World and listening to Prophets like Father Michel Rodrigue, that we must listen to the Prophets and Prepare. There is always hesitancy in our Church to discuss these things, because no one wants to generate fear. But, many good Priests and Religious are realizing that time may be running short to prepare the flock for what may come within the next few months. Here is Mother Miriam’s Podcast from August 24, 2020.

What we are starting to witness now is a separation of Our Church from Our Sacred Traditional values and Catechism and what we know as the Truth, to something that is becoming watered down and tolerant of our world’s affairs, thus delivering us into the hands of Satan through socialism/communistic ideologies and eventually a One World Government. The actions that are occurring now will lead to a schism in Our Church and this has all been prophesied by John Leary and Father Michel Rodrigue. But, the schism will not be from us, but the church that moves away from the Truth of our Sacred Tradition to something we will not even recognize. WE ARE NOT LEAVING OUR CHURCH AND THE TRUE MAGISTERIUM, THEY ARE BY CHANGING THE WORDS OF CONSECRATION, and this is coming at some point in the future. This has been prophesied by both John Leary and Father Michel and we have also documented this information in this blog. STAND FAST IN YOUR TRUE FAITH, BECAUSE WE WILL NOT LEAVE OUR LORD!

This seems very dramatic, but these prophecies have been backed up with factual events that have taken place over the last fifty to eighty years and documented throughout this blog, and this is why we are hearing the Prophets telling us the Chastisement is imminent now, as well as the Warning/Illumination of Conscience. Mother Miriam is doing an excellent job of informing listeners of what is happening as delicately as she can and very careful of not generating fear. She is also doing a wonderful job of witnessing for Our Lord. We appreciate all of the Priests and Religious that are standing up for Jesus Christ Our Lord, especially in these times.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done. Have a blessed day.

Holy Mass on Sunday, August 30, 2020 at St. Mary’s Parish in Ottawa, Canada. Also, We need to start asking Our Guardian Angels to help us in these times, because they will represent God’s Wings of Refuge in Psalm 91.

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. We are slowly picking up more followers of this blog and we are thankful to Our Lord Jesus Christ for everyday we have to Serve Him with all of our hearts, minds and souls. If you are a new follower to this blog, we stress the importance of our Relationship with Our Lord and we pray that you are doing that while you are preparing your homes as an interim refuge for the time of distress coming upon us. In fact, at this point, we all need to unite our prayers and focus on God’s Mercy. In addition to praying the most Holy Rosary daily, we also need to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. We will post these two prayers again.

For those that follow this blog that are not Catholic, we don’t force this prayer on anyone and neither does Our Blessed Mother. But, She will be the powerful intercessor in these times, and we will all witness this with the miracle signs that are coming after the Warning. Also, the Divine Mercy Chaplet is very important to pray for the Salvation of Souls in this time, as Saint Faustina explained to us in her diary.

Here is the Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Parish in Ottawa, Canada.

We are posting Father Chad Ripperger’s most comprehensive explanation of Our Guardian Angels again, because we must start asking Our Guardian Angels for assistance in these times. God allowed us these angels for protection and guidance when we call upon Our Lord and His Mercy. As Father Ripperger explains in this video, God allows everything to happen or not to happen based on the choices we make, which goes back to our own free will. When we turn back to God, from a disordered life of sin, He will immediately flood us with graces to strive to repent, overcome sin, and seek His Holy Face. Even though we will still be tempted by demons to keep sinning, we are constantly given more graces from God to overcome the sin. Of course, this is because of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice for our sins, but this Sacrificial gift always comes down to our own free will to move away from sin. We can’t just say we believe in Jesus Christ, and continue to sin. It just doesn’t work like that and we have explained that thoroughly throughout the blog with Scripture.

So, we must continue to strive to move away from sin, and our Guardian Angels are there to assist us along the way. We should thank them daily for their assistance and ask them to guide us in our actions daily to stay on the straight, and narrow path to the foot of the Cross. As the times of distress and the birth pangs get worse, and we are calling upon Our Lord for Mercy and assistance, also ask your Guardian Angel to guide you into what to do. Of course, the Holy Spirit is also guiding us, and we also call upon Him, but we can’t forget Our Guardian Angels, because it will be our Guardian Angels that will lead us to a Refuge that both Father Michel Rodrigue and John Leary explain. If you have not studied the videos by John Leary, Parts 1 and 2 explaining this information, you can find it on the page in this blog titled, “End Time Prophets, Bloggers, and Watchmen.”

Here is Father Chad Ripperger’s video by Sensus Fidelium specifically about Guardian Angels.

So, we need to increase our prayers to Our Lord for Mercy daily, our Blessed Mother to intercede in prayer for God’s Mercy for us, and also to Our Guardian Angels to guide our thoughts, actions, and deeds to stay in alignment with God’s Will.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.

Recent Prophetic Messages about Planet X/Nibiru Coming. Will we see the Two Stars Collide Soon that Begins the Warning/Illumination of Conscience?

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. As you know this blog is a little different because Our Lord has asked us to unite all of of God’s Children and not exclude anyone that needs to hear these prophetic messages. So we listen, discern, and pray about what the Holy Spirit guides us to put in this blog for the Salvation of Souls. Our Lord has given us a gift of Understanding to be able to put together certain prophets that are speaking Truth and reflect how they are related to Prophetic Messages from Our Blessed Mother and the Saints and Mystics. Some of these modern day Prophets are Catholic, some are not, but their messages are consistent and similar to Prophetic messages that have already been fulfilled. We focus on whether the prophetic message is relative to what Our Blessed Mother has warned us about with the Great Comet of Chastisement and Her prophetic messages being fulfilled from Fatima, Akita, Garabandal, and Our Lady of Good Success and La Salette. Because we believe that the Warning is coming very soon, we will post some different messages from the Mike 444 website that align with John Leary, and the Little Prophet of Love saying that the Warning will be this Fall. Father Michel Rodrigue has said that the Purification will begin this Fall, but he has not confirmed the Warning for this Fall. We are also waiting to see if the visionary Conchita from the Garabandal Prophetic messages will announce anything 8 days prior to the Miracle occurring after the Warning, or if the Visionaries from Medjugorje, Herzegovina will also release the Secrets. Of course, there are several websites following this very closely as we are, and we are not trying to scare anyone, but just keep everyone informed so that we can all get our Souls correctly ordered back to God, while we still can.

This information is very heavy, but there is a reason that God keeps us informed and gives us Warnings through His Blessed Mother, Prophets and Watchmen and that is because He wants us to Evangelize for the Salvation of Souls. This is what His old prophets did, and it is no different today. God is always Faithful and True and He never changes. If you are new to this blog, you will see that Our Lord is using this binary system that is also called Planet X, Nibiru, the Destroyer, or in our Catholic prophecies, the Great Comet of Chastisement to renew the Heaven and Earth, and usher in the Era of Peace. This is also called the Purification that Our Blessed Mother has been warning us about because of Russia spreading it’s errors and Satan corrupting the Earth with evil men. All of this seems very bizarre, and overwhelming, but sadly it appears to be the Truth and the Holy Spirit has guided us to put this information out so that we will not be deceived and fall away from God as the times of distress increase. As you read this information and prepare, take everything to Our Lord and discern for yourselves from Him at Adoration. If things get really bad this Fall, as the Prophets are saying, then we need to spend as much time with Our Lord now as much as possible in front of the Monstrance, or Blessed Sacrament and receive His Holy Eucharist as the Living Bread and Living Water. We need to continue to ask Him to Transform us into His image, and pray for a portion of Our Blessed Mother’s Faith. Some people can’t handle receiving this information because it is too scary, and we understand, but it doesn’t mean that we will stop putting it on this blog, because this is what Our Lord has guided us to do. We have to all learn to be Obedient to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, no matter how scary it is, because We are being Tested and Refined as God’s Children by going through the times of distress so that we receive our white robes.

Here is a prophetic message on Planet X, Nibiru that Mike 444 prophecy reads from someone that received a prophetic dream. This prophetic dream aligns with what Mike From Around the World is saying on Pastor Paul Begley’s show about Planet X coming with multiple binary objects around it as a binary system, and the video refers to (two stars colliding) or celestial bodies, which is also what Conchita of Garabandal said about the beginning of the Warning/Illumination of Conscience that she described from Our Blessed Mother.

Also, here is Mike 444’s own research of Planet X/Nibiru and what Our Lord has shown him. He is not a prophet, but he receives many, many dreams from Our Lord and we do believe he is a Watchman.

It is important to understand that no one has perfect discernment and none of us can perfectly say this prophet is speaking Truth, and this one is not. But, we have to discern the prophetic messages as the labor pains increase because things will be upon us while we are waiting for Our Church to approve this Prophet, or that Prophet. This is why you also look at their fruits and if they are bringing people to Jesus Christ. So, we pray, and we ask that you also pray for the Truth always, so that we can prepare and not be deceived. This is also why we believe what Father Michel Rodrigue and John Leary are saying about preparing your homes as Refuges, because there is no way anyone can survive what is coming without God’s Supernatural Protection as He promised in Psalm 91.

What we wanted to point out in the first video we posted is that he said that it appeared in his dream, that two stars or celestial bodies will collide. As this binary system brings in these different celestial bodies, this most likely will occur, and this will be what begins the Warning/Illumination of Conscience with Our Lord. Our Blessed Mother also told Gianna Sullivan that when we see “Two Suns”, the Earth will begin to go through severe changes. We are praying now actually, that Our Lord will bring the Warning before the chaos gets too bad so that we can assist Our Lord in saving the souls of our family members and friends. Unfortunately, there are so many of God’s Children that are still asleep and we are praying that God’s Mercy of the Warning will wake them out of their slumber of habitual sin. As events continue to unfold, we will continue to post what we believe the Holy Spirit is guiding us to. We must all continue to pray for the Salvation of Souls, and keep Evangelizing for Our Lord Jesus Christ as much as possible.

Here is Father Mark Goring, who explains everything so well.


We need to develop Holy Confidence, like Father Mark Goring tells us, and we need to pray for a portion of Our Blessed Mother’s Faith as Father Michel Rodrigue tells us. We have to Trust in God, and that is what God calls us to do in the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done. Have a blessed day.

New Show with Pastor Paul Begley and Mike From Around the World on The Coming Apocalypse!

Good Evening Disciples of Jesus Christ. We have reviewed the show from Thursday night, August 27, 2020 with Pastor Paul Begley and Mike From Around the World. Wow, the show begins with a photograph taken from a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) camera at Bradley Lake in Alaska of what appears to be a large red planet in the sky! Pastor Paul stated that an FAA employee sent this image to him and wanted Mike From Around the World to see it.

We have a lot of new followers to the blog and we wanted our new followers to know that we listen to Mike From Around the World with Pastor Paul Begley and we also listen to Steven Ben-DeNoon on Israeli News Live because they are the most knowledgeable on Planet X, or Hercolubus, or this binary system that is moving through our solar system and causing the catastrophic weather phenomena and natural disasters that Our Lord is using to transform the New Heaven and New Earth. They are also most knowledgeable on Biblical Prophecy and current world events that correspond to Biblical Scripture being fulfilled. We have also been shown by the Holy Spirit that this binary system is what is identified by Our Blessed Mother as the Comet of Chastisement or Great Chastisement and you can find this at the beginning of the blog in Her prophetic messages. Our Blessed Mother’s most specific message about this binary system with “Two suns” was to Gianna Sullivan in Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Pedro Regis, and the Anguera Prophecies, Luz De Maria Bonilla, and Veronica Leuken, and the Bayside Prophecies, in which none have been approved by our Church. However, the Holy Spirit has guided us to many prophets that have not been officially approved, but we know they are true prophets based on their similar prophetic messages and their messages being fulfilled. It is what it is, and these prophets are having their prophetic messages fulfilled as the times of distress and the birth pangs are getting worse. So, as Mother Miriam stated on LifeSite News, we need to start taking heed to the signs that are happening and get prepared.

In the show with Pastor Paul Begley, Mike has confirmed that the image of a large red planet taken in the Alaska sky does look like it is a true image, and it would be good if someone could confirm it from the South pole. Mike stated that if that image is real, then we can look forward to a very disastrous hot winter. Mike stated that the heat factor mixed with the season of winter, and definitive changes in our weather patterns, reflects that we have an external factor or force at play. The heat factor is taking a toll on the Earth all over the place, to include crops, and drought. Mike also stated that the image that was taken in Alaska is not Planet X, but could be something intermediate, that is coming in before Planet X, or before this binary system. Mike stated if this thing is real, one of the cautions would be an imbalance of the Earth. Mike also stated that it could have an elliptical orbit that only appears in our atmosphere for several hours, and then it is gone again for several weeks, which means it has a very short orbit. If this is a true image, this object will appear again and it will start popping up all over the internet. Pastor Paul stated that this camera that took this image took the image in moments or seconds, and not for hours at a time. Pastor Paul stated they will keep a close eye on it.

Pastor Paul spoke about different lightening bolts killing animals in Argentina. Mike stated that these are extremes that the Earth is experiencing right now, and we will see some of that this winter. Mike stated the more you have the direct light hitting an object, you will feel the heat in an extreme difference between the shade and directly in the sunlight. Mike stated something is pulling the photons from our Sun, and we are seeing massive physical effects in our Sun and our Earth. Mike stated that we should not have 110 to 120 temperatures in the summer or very extreme cold temperatures in the winter. Mike also stated that this also is reflected in the poles as the ice melts. In fact, they are discovering viruses and bacteria from thousands of years old that is coming from the melted ice. Mike stated that there are also flesh eating bacteria in this ice that affected a scientist that had to have his leg amputated. They have discovered this in some of the dinosaurs by analyzing some of the items in their stomachs, and their bones. Mike stated that there are some lifeforms that can freeze for hundreds of thousands of years that can be brought back easily when they are thawed out, and this includes bacteria and viruses. Mike also stated that the oceans will heat up so extreme that the humidity will be about 125 percent on the coasts. There will be a lot of mold from the humidity and they are finding now cooked fish in the oceans from the internal heat vents in the Earth. There are also red tides and algae tides that are caused from the super heated water in the Earth. As soon at it hits the ocean water, it cooks everything in the vicinity. Mike stated that the volcanic activity in the oceans right now are just tremendous, and scary. There are certain areas already quarantined from Naval operations, and these areas are releasing Nickel, and a brand new land mass.

Pastor Paul brought up Hurricane Laura and our prayers going out to people suffering through the Tropical Storm, but also the Middle East and the South China Sea. Russia had a submarine that sank and Pastor Paul asked about the radiation leakage from that submarine. Mike stated, yes, don’t expect Russia to tell the truth on that not leaking any radiation. Mike stated that when things like that happen, it can be covered up, and he suspects we will have another chemical accident in the Northern hemisphere. Pastor Paul asked if this would be the deep state that caused this, and Mike stated that there is a hidden accord of different scenarios that the deep state has already mapped out and planned. A super-cane is a hurricane in a certain area that they have planned and they know about how many deaths there will be, and how devastating it will be to that area and who would be allowed to be saved. They have a perfect road map to their scenarios and already mapped out the outcomes. Mike stated they already know where they are going to have FEMA delays, and if we have a natural disaster with cell phone service, it is not a big deal. But, if we have a natural disaster and there is no cell phone service, then that is a big deal. Mike stated that these weather disasters will continue and stores and malls will continue to close because of people not spending money. That genetically modified organisms (GMO) crops were created because of the increased weather conditions and radiation in the Earth, and pretty soon it will affect the meat, and they will push the vegetable meat. Mike suggested we begin to down grade the demand of our tastes and palates to include sugar so that we don’t crave sugar when we will not have access to it. Mike stated that we will not run out of these things, but they will be replaced because we have a serious issue with our crops and there is no way they can produce for all of America, and that we are already importing grains from other countries right now to include Israel.

Pastor Paul talked about the Middle East and all of the different things going on with China firing missiles at U.S., with U.S. just conducting reconnaissance plans in international waters. Pastor Paul also asked about Saudi Arabia intercepting missiles, and Greece ratifying a deal with Egypt because of Turkey trying to take over Greece. Mike stated we are close to the Trumpets in the Bible. There are major things coming out, for example Saudi Arabia, everyone is going to turn on Saudi Arabia and there is a dark element rising and that country will have to be split up. Egypt needs to be watched and so does Jordan. Russia is putting defense systems all over the place, and we must stay focused on Biblical prophecy. We are hitting the critical years where the Saints are going to be confused because they are not studying their Bible. Pastor Paul stated we have to make sure we go by what the Scripture says, and not what we think. Mike stated this is the time of Jacob’s trouble and as the celestial phenomena evolves, we will be dealing with a war. Mike also stated that “We” in America will get bit eventually, because we will see allies turn on us if it comes to a world war. Mike stated he is more concerned about the celestial troubles than he is a war right now.

Pastor Paul stated that they didn’t even speak about the deep state very much, but asked if there is any information before the show closes. Mike stated that we needed much prayer and if the Saints of the house make sure they don’t lose their temper or control and stand against any demonic oppression, they will not lose control of their homes, (meaning Spiritually). But if the Saint allows his or her temper to flare, then it trickles down to the children. (Good advice from Mike about keeping our emotions in check as the labor pains increase.)

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Abba, Father, Thy Will be Done. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, have Mercy on us sinners. Have a blessed day.

Mother Miriam with LifeSite news Tells Everyone to Prepare for the Great Chastisement!

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. As we get closer to the purification, many Religious are coming to the realization that we are in the end times and the possible coming of the Great Chastisement prophesied in Fatima and also the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people are watching Countdown to The Kingdom and hearing what Father Michel Rodrigue is prophesizing about the end times and the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father Adam Skwarczynksi, Prophets John Leary, Luz De Maria, Pedro Regis, and the Little Prophet of Love and many, many other prophets are also saying this, and it is finally getting attention as the signs of the times increase. Now, we have Mother Miriam in her podcast show on LifeSite news also telling people to prepare for the Warning/Illumination of Conscience with a general confession with a priest and storing up 3 months of food and water. Way to go Mother Miriam! Here is her podcast show,

Here is the article from Church Militant that Mother Miriam was referencing.

We pray that everyone is beginning to spread the news to get people ready, because that is what Our Lord called us to do in this blog. We ask, as do the Prophets in this blog, to prepare Spiritually first, by Surrendering to Our Lord and His Sacred Heart. Then go to confession and conduct a general confession asking the Holy Spirit to help you examine your conscience to remove as many sins from your soul as possible. For those that are just now going back to confession after many years of being away and have gone to Holy Mass and received communion, be sure and tell your confessor. This is a huge sin that many modern day Catholics commit, because they don’t feel like they sin very much, or they don’t believe in Transubstantiation or Confession. Our Lord is always forgiving, but if you fall into this category, then you must go to confession with a priest before the Warning. When we are standing before Our Lord, He is going to show us how we have offended Him and the Blessed Trinity. He is going to do this as an Act of Divine Mercy, not because He is trying to belittle us. God loves us so much that His Mercy and His Glory will be revealed at the Warning and it is going to shake us to our core, because we will instantly know who He is, and that He is giving us a last chance to repent. So, in that moment, because of His Holiness, we will feel shame for our sins, but also His Love for us at the same time. So, when Our Lord is done with the Warning, He is allowing for every soul over the age of reason, to repent and come back to Him, and we will all have an urgent desire to confess our sins! If we repent and go to Confession now, it will show Our Lord that we are acting and moving with a contrite heart, and He will flood you with Graces and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

This is why it is important for everyone to prepare their souls first and start praying fervently to Our Lord for the graces to be able to withstand what is coming. If you have just recently stumbled across this blog, we have explained in this bog that we have been called by Our Lord, to begin getting the word out that Our Lord has put it on our hearts that we are in the end times and to get busy for the Salvation of Souls. In this blog, you will find different pages on how to prepare the best way we can for Our Lord Spiritually, Physically and Mentally. Once you Surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then the Holy Spirit will guide you on how to be reconciled back to God. As Father Chad Ripperger would put it, “Bring Spiritual order back from a sinful disordered life you lived away from God.” So, in the pages at the top of the blog, we explain in each section how to prepare and there are many, many videos from great priests and other Religious on how to improve our lives Spiritually with Our Lord. There are also videos and explanations from Survival experts on how to prepare for Pandemics, Food Shortages, Power outages, etc… There is also information on Refuges that both Father Michel Rodrigue and John Leary both talk about that is a physical place of God’s supernatural protection.

All of the information in this blog does not make us experts either, but we do have a Spiritual Director and Confessor that is keeping us in alignment with our catechism. We also are called to unite all Christians, because in the end times, Jesus Seeks all of His Children in the Harvest, and not just specific denominations. So, our end goal is to be unified in seeking Our Lord for all of the answers on how to prepare and to become a Disciple for Him for the Salvation of Souls. For those that have been following this blog since last year, we appreciate everyone and their willingness to Serve Our Lord, and we pray that we all meet one day in Heaven, when Our Lord has called us all home.

If you are a new follower and just stumbled across this blog, please go all the way down to the bottom of the blog to see where we started explaining why we are in the end times and what the Holy Spirit has shown us on how we have gotten to this moment in time. It is important to understand that we are not at the end of the world, but we are at the end of an evil era of time or season. The Purification and the Great Chastisement Our Blessed Mother has prophesied about also parallels with the book of Revelation, and this may be hard for some to accept, but we have explained it thoroughly in this blog, and we intend to keep explaining everything as long as Our Lord is calling us to do it. However, time is running short, and we do believe there are going to be power outages due to catastrophic weather events coming, and no one will have access to this blog. So, as Mother Mariam put it so eloquently above in her video, if you see a truck coming around the corner getting ready to run over someone, it is our moral obligation to tell that person and be safe, rather to stay silent and allow a possible death to that person. This Purification coming is even bigger than death, because if people are dying in mortal sin, they may experience the second death of their soul eternally, because they didn’t repent. So, please Evangelize to lost souls who don’t know Our Lord, and to those lukewarm souls that say they know Our Lord, but live in constant mortal sin.

Right now, all physical signs on Earth, in the Heavens, and from the Holy Spirit, and from the Prophets are pointing to the Warning coming this Fall. If it doesn’t happen until the beginning of next year, or a later time, that is God’s Will. We must all agree that we have to be in God’s Will, no matter when the Warning comes, but at this moment, it still looks like it will happen this Fall. So, get your Spiritual house in order first with Surrender to Our Lord, Repentance and Confession. Then get your physical homes ready as an Interim Refuge with food, water and most likely a generator to be able to keep your food refrigerated for a while if we have a long term power outage. This is all in this blog, including retreat notes with Father Michel Rodrigue and John Leary and word documents we have created to prepare for the Warning.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, especially us sinners. Jesus, We Trust in You. Abba, Father, Thy will Be Done.

New Messages to Prophet John Leary from Our Lord Jesus Christ through August 25, 2020. Also, Mike 444 reads another Prophetic Message about the US being the first to fall because it is the biggest hindrance to the enemy’s plans.

Good Afternoon Disciples of Jesus Christ. Here are the latest messages to John Leary from Our Lord from this past week.

Here are the days of messages that appear to be most important. Here is August 19, 2020.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, by your Baptism and Confirmation, you are called to be evangelists and shepherds. You normally think of bishops as the true shepherds who are taking My place. Some bishops are weak in using their authority, so they need your prayers to pasture My sheep. You all will have to answer to Me for your good and bad deeds in your life at your judgment. Call on My help to carry out your everyday mission.”
For Jeanne Marie Bello: she said: “I am watching over Al, and I am praying for his soul. Tell him how much I love him, even though I am no longer on the earth. All of us in heaven are praying for all the souls on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to be prepared for the events in the fall which goes from September 21 to December 21, 2020. You already have see some hurricanes hit your country with even more to follow. You saw a 110 mph storm ruin almost half the crops in Iowa. You are seeing many fires out West and record high temperatures all summer. On top of this you are still dealing with the China corona virus and all of its restrictions. You will be facing even more virus attacks as the weather gets cooler. You are also seeing man-made chaos and destruction by the communist anarchists in your cities. This pre-tribulation will quickly turn into the evil tribulation of the Antichrist once the deep state starts forcing mandatory vaccines with mandatory chips in the body. When the viruses are about to be released in the chemtrails and mandatory chips in the body are put in place, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges with My angel protection. Be ready to leave for My refuges with your backpacks ready, and your souls ready with frequent Confession. At My refuges My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and you will be healed of your ailments by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. Be thankful that My refuge builders and My angels will provide for your needs. Once most of My faithful are separated from the evil ones at My refuges, then I will bring My justice of fire down on the evil unbelievers. Pray to save souls before it is too late, and they are lost in hell.”

Here is August 20, 2020.

Thursday, August 20, 2020: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, not only are you preparing your souls with Confession, but you need to be ready for more serious weather events, in addition to the fall viruses. In the vision you are just coming into the Light of My Word, and then you will be tested with flooding from your hurricanes. You are entering into the heart of your hurricane season, and America will be tested because of your abortions, sexual sins, and the violence in your cities. You could also see more restrictions that will be forced on you by the authorities and the deep state because of the viruses. Refuse to take any vaccine or chip in the body when it becomes mandatory. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Fear not, because My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones who want to kill you in the death camps.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, caves are one of the places of refuge that My angels will lead you at the appointed time. I have given you messages about coming to My refuges when you receive My inner locution. When I call you, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. On the way to My refuges your angel will place a shield of invisibility over you so the evil people cannot see you. My angels will also shield you from any demons on the way to My refuge. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from all evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this time of virus restrictions, your churches are making it difficult in some cases to even attend Sunday Mass. Some churches require you to register and still wear masks and keep social distancing. Because you are only using every other pew, the spaces are limited. It is only after the virus cases are low that your churches were allowed to open. My priests and bishops should be encouraging people to fill the churches as much as possible. Some churches are having more Masses, so every parish member will be able to attend Sunday Mass in person. Pray that all of the faithful will be able to attend Sunday Mass at all of your churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, in days past, processions of My Blessed Sacrament were carried around neighborhoods, especially on the feast day of Corpus Christi. Your neighborhoods need more prayers and blessing with My Eucharist. My faithful need to witness to My Real Presence as a blessing against all the chaos and violence in your streets by the evil anarchists. Pray for peace in your cities to fight against this mob violence. I love all peoples, and I want to share My love even with those people who are causing riots. I am more powerful than these protesters, and you need to stand up for your religious freedom to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I need My faithful to reach out to save all the souls whom you meet in life. You may be the only witness of My Word that some souls will only see in this life. By converting souls for Me, you can keep some souls from going to hell. Many souls are falling into hell by their own free will because no one has reached out to save them with My Word. Keep praying for poor sinners to help save as many souls as you can from going to hell. Every soul you save, will thank you later for sharing your gift of faith. After the Warning you will need to work at a fever pitch to save souls while you can, because souls will be seeking Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, your most important mission on earth is to save as many souls as you can while you are alive on the earth. You do not have to be a theologian or a teacher, but just share your faith and My love with those people who are open to My Word. Walk with them in faith and give a good example of a holy life to those around you. My parents need to lead their children to My sacraments, and teach them the faith so they can be saved. Have your children baptized and confirmed, along with Confession and Holy Communion. The parents are responsible for helping their children to have a good spiritual life. Take them to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you how many souls were you able to save. When you love Me, you will share your love and faith with all those people around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a troubled time where evil is rampant all over the world. Now more than ever you need as many priests as you can find to offer Mass and confess people’s sins. Pray for your priests and bishops to help convert souls and bring people to My sacraments. My faithful need to come to Mass on Sunday despite all of your virus restrictions. Obey My Commandments and keep your soul clean by coming to Me in the priest at Confession. I love all souls, and I need My priest sons and My faithful to bring as many souls to Me as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming Warning I will let people know how they need to avoid taking any vaccine and any mark of the beast. Do not let the Antichrist control you by avoiding his eyes where he could cause you to worship him. You will be told not to worship the Antichrist, and you will need to come to a place of refuge to be protected from the evil ones. You will have six weeks of conversion to save souls after My Warning. All sinners will have an opportunity to be saved, but they must love Me by their own free will and seek My forgiveness of their sins. This will be your best time to save yourself and others, before the Antichrist will try and bring souls to hell. Trust in My power over the evil ones, and show Me your love in your prayers and your good deeds.”

Our Lord keeps telling Prophet John Leary that the Warning is coming in the Fall, but only after many deaths all over the world. Our Lord will also tell us not to take the mark of the beast during the Warning, and to avoid taking any vaccine. Based on the information we have been given by the Prophets thus far, we know that the Elites are going to attempt to put a device in the vaccine given that will have the capability to control our minds. It is unknown at this point who will be rewarded the contract to implement the vaccine or when it will become mandatory, but there are several nefarious manufacturers as Dr. Madej pointed out in our previous posts, that are creating auto-injectors with components in them that will have the capability to alter DNA and receive information, (Mind Control). So, even if you are working in a very important position and are required to take a vaccine, it is important to pray and seek discernment from the Holy Spirit. God, protects us always as His Children, but if we receive the mark of the beast, or have our DNA altered with nanotechnology, this may encompass the beast system and exclude us from God eternally. We must begin to pray for the Warning to come before the forced vaccinations and beg for God’s Mercy that He will allow and make all of His Children aware of all Truth, which I truly believe He will if we abide in Him.

Lastly, here is another video from the Mike 444 Website. Mike reads prophetic messages submitted to the 44 Prophecy News website. All of these should be prayed about as you read them because some of them may not be from True Prophets. But, this does give us an idea of how much God is speaking to many, many of His Children through His Warnings. Because We know the Warning/Illumination of Conscience is also a Warning from Our Lord to Repent, it only makes sense that it will be His last Act of Divine Mercy. Here is the video, (Note this video confirms what Mike From Around the World said about the United States of America being taken out first, so that Israel can be attacked.)

Emmanuel – “God is with Us”. Jesus, We Trust in You. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Save us and the whole world. Abba, Father, Thy Will be done.

New Message to Luz De Maria from Saint Michael the Archangel, dated August 19, 2020! Also, Father Altman with Complicit Clergy in his homily, “SILENCE IS COMPLICITY”.

Good Afternoon Disciples of Jesus Christ. Time is getting very close to catastrophic events getting ready to begin and continue one after another. We know that all of those that have followed this blog since last year are ready physically, and mentally, and with God’s Graces, He is continuing to prepare us Spiritually. We are posting today the latest message given to Luz De Maria from Saint Michael the Archangel, dated August 19, 2020. Here it is copied and pasted from the Jesus Maria website.


At the moment when humanity’s fury rises up in most countries in the world and men will be attacking their brothers and sisters, and when peace will be longed for and desired because discord has been implanted on Earth, ask yourselves:


When you see those who used to attend daily Mass and received the Eucharist…
When you see those who used to pray at all times and places, those who left no doubt as to their religious piety…
When you see those used to dress with pronounced modesty going underground for fear of persecution and denying Our King and Lord Jesus Christ as “their Lord and their God” to in order save their lives …

BE ASSURED THAT PERSECUTION WILL NOT DECREASE, but will instead be reinforced against the true People of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ. In remote locations, in the crypts of ancient churches, in improvised places, perhaps the most unlikely, you will come to hear Holy Mass and receive Christ present in the Holy Eucharist from the hands of faithful Priests, adorers of the Eucharistic Christ, who love Our Queen and Mother of Heaven and Earth. For there will be a clear and definitive division between those who remain attached to the true Magisterium of the Church of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ and those who have been living as Pharisees within the Church, already being persecutors of the faithful people.

People of God:


Man possesses free will, which he should to use to worship, to work and act as a true child of God, to be humble and not arrogant or proud. The haughty will come to a standstill on the way.

Pray in season and out of season; the great shaking is coming, time is time no more, this is the “now!” that has been both awaited and feared. Without stopping together with those who want you to be lost, continue on the indicated path without straying from it, without forgetting that the devil prowls like a roaring lion in search of souls to devour.

Be cautious in your work and actions; do not be confused together with those who are confused. Be cautious: you are the People of God and not children of evil. THE CHURCH OF OUR KING AND LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST WILL SUFFER EXCESSIVELY. ERRORS WILL CAUSE THE LOSS OF FAITH, WHICH IS WHY UNSHAKEABLE FAITH IS SO MUCH NEEDED – FAITH IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR KING AND LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST IN EACH ONE OF HIS CHILDREN.

Pray, children of God, pray for the conversion of all.

Pray, children of God, pray that you would continue to be faithful.

Pray, pray for the countries that will suffer in the expected and unwanted shaking.

Pray, pray for those who, dominated by pride, will cause their brothers and sisters to go astray.

Pray for those who are suffering from hunger and those who are enduring tribulation, for truth among the rulers on Earth.

Beloved People of God, the coming time will be one of deception: do not go astray. This is why it is very important for you to pray with the heart, to preparefor the GREAT WARNING (*), and to be at peace.

Pray for Chile and for Colombia. Evil’s projects will not stop.

In the end the Immaculate Heart of Our Queen and Mother of Heaven and Earth will triumph and evil will not touch man.

People of God: DO NOT STOP!



Saint Michael the Archangel


Saint Michael is warning us to not leave the True Magisterium of the Church, no matter what we witness, and not allow fear to pull us away from God. Saint Michael also reminds us that we must pray from our hearts to prepare for the GREAT WARNING and to be at peace.

For those that have not studied all of the prophetic messages to Luz De Maria on the Warning/Illumination of Conscience that is coming very soon, here it is again. There are a total of 34 messages dating back from 2009 to 2020 on the Warning/Illumination of Conscience. Please read them all and continue to get yourselves, family members and friends ready with a general confession to a priest as soon as possible.

Also, here is another great homily by Father Altman with Complicit Clergy,

Emmanuel – “God is with us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Have a blessed day.

What is Transhumanism? How Does This Relate to Covid-19 Vaccinations and How can it Alter our DNA with Nanotechnology?

Good Evening Disciples of Jesus Christ. We have recently posted two different videos of Medical Professionals, including one of them being a Doctor, explaining how Moderna is one of the front runners in the race to create a vaccine to fight against Covid-19. In her video, she does an excellent job of explaining how Moderna is creating this vaccine with an auto-injector that has 3 components in it that will deliver not only the proposed vaccine, but also synthetically created items our body will use to replicate that could possibly alter our DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic information that every parent passes on to their biological children. In addition, DNA is a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.

Since that posting the other day, we have had a few followers ask that we put this information into a printable word document so that it can be printed and handed out to others to explain what the Doctor is explaining with what could be a vaccine for Covid-19 as early as this Fall. We will post this information here, and also put it on a printable word-document for others to view. But, first, we need to explain what Transhumanism is and Eugenics.

For the Elites and those that believe in Transhumanism, it is the idea of melding our human bodies with artificial intelligence (A.I.) so that we can overcome our own diseases and cancers that our natural bodies cannot destroy with our own antibodies. It is the ideology of an ultimate utopia of creating perfect human bodies that will have the capability to live forever and fight any new virus or bacteria that ever comes into existence with the assistance of technological advances.

Eugenics is the belief by a group of people who feel they are superior to others that may have some type of genetically inherited malfunction of the body or mind. This ideology is similar to what Adolf Hitler believed as an all Aryan Race, except in Eugenics, it is not necessarily specific to one race. It is the belief advocated by Francis Galton that, “the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable.” Francis Galton,

Obviously, any individual person or groups of people that believe in either of these are not Christian, or a True follower of Jesus Christ and God Our Father. But for those that don’t believe that the Elites do have this mentality, then you need to do your homework, or just read this entire blog, because we have done the homework and the Holy Spirit has guided us to it.

First, we are going to post a video that was conducted in 2013 by someone interviewing Tom Horn on what Transhumanism exactly is. We know that everyone does not have time to listen to every video, but what Tom Horn is describing is what has just recently taken place in the last seven years of putting into action of melding our human bodies with artificial intelligence. That is what Doctor Madej references when she mentions going from Human 1.0 to Human 2.0. in her video, because in theory for the Elites, we are becoming a more efficient human with the infinitely more intelligent nanotechnology that has been created by their manufacturers. Tom Horn explains in the video, just seven years ago, that the goal was to introduce the wonderful idea of nanotechnology slowly so that we would accept it and believe in the ability of becoming super-human. But, as a Christian, we know what happens when we try to play like we are gods. This is why Our Lord has to step in and intervene with the end of these evil times or era of time. We have actually been conditioned already with the use of technology in our smart phones, smart homes, smart watches, Alexa computer, and computer games. The Elites only needed a catalyst, like a pandemic, that would make us believe that we have to have not only the technology to make us invincible humans, but also the vaccine, to keep us from dying.

Next, we are going to re-post Dr. Carrie Madej’s video and explanation of the Moderna manufacturer’s implementation of their vaccine for Covid-19. Dr. Carrie Madej exposes Vaccine Covid19 Dangers Part 1 of 2 (

Here is what she is basically saying that we have written out and will post on a word document:

1.) Moderna – Has re-programmed a stem-cell and modified the RNA-Ribonucleic acid -RNA[ˌä ˌren ˈā]NOUNbiochemistry ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information. Moderna has proven that you can genetically modify something by using genetically modified RNA. Dr. Madej stated they used 45 individuals in their clinical trials that they fast-tracked within the last 5-months that normally takes 3-5 years. Dr. Madej stated that all individuals in the high dose vaccine got 100 percent systemic side effects, and 80 percent of the individuals of the low dose vaccine got systemic side effects. Additionally, we don’t know the long term side effects because that is what is discovered in the 3-5 years of clinical trials and that is why it is normal to wait this long of a period of time before a vaccine is released. Also, in their testing on ferrets they had given the virus to, the ferrets developed auto-immune responses after receiving the vaccination, such as more lung inflammation and more lung fluid that was more harmful than the virus itself.

2.) The applicator they are creating can be used by an individual as an auto-injector, called a micro-needle platform. This looks like the form of a band aid that you place on yourself and when you peel it off, it injects you with the vaccination. There are tiny needle spicules that inject you. There are 3 components of the autoinjector that are made up of Hydrogel, Luciferase Enzyme and the Moderna Vaccine inside the modified RNA:

A.) MODERNA – Modified RNA punctures our cell membranes with a synthetic piece of RNA-Code for the virus that carries it to our cell nucleus, our bodies begin to read it, then make more of that part of the virus. Then when our bodies would get used to seeing it, making more of it, our bodies would then develop T-cells as an antibody response. Then if our body is exposed to this particular virus in the future, our bodies would know how to fight it. Because the Corona-virus is a novel virus, meaning brand new. Moderna is using a process called Transfection – that genetically modifies organisms. This is also what companies like Monsanto have done to our fruits and vegetables and has genetically modified them that has removed some of their healthy nutrients, making them less nutrient. Once this modified RNA cell begins to replicate, it thus becomes a normal part of our genome. Our genome makes up our full set of chromosomes. According to Moderna, it could be temporary or permanent modification, but they are saying that it is probably temporary. This synthetic modified RNA is also patented, so if it replicates and becomes a part of our genome, what does that mean for us? Are we now owned by an institution, like DARPA, Moderna, or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

B.) The next part of the applicator is a Luciferase enzyme. This enzyme has bio-luminescent light qualities that when placed under your skin, you cannot see it. This will be seen under a certain light that will identify if you have been vaccinated, (mark of the beast?) It will also hold your vaccination record and you can use a smart phone to scan it to pick up the number associated with it, whether it is an identification or a record, which now makes you a product.

C.) Last part of applicator is the Hydrogel– an invention from DARPA- Is a Nanotechnology of microscopic robots that is artificial intelligence that can assemble, disassemble, communicate with other technology, gather information from our bodies, and send this information to our smart phones, the cloud, or some other smart device, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This hydrogel with nanotechnology can also gather your bodily function such as blood sugar, oxygenation, heartbeat, but also your emotions, or menstrual cycle, or the potential to see if you have taken any other medications or drugs. This Nanotechnology also has the ability to receive information sent to it.

Dr. Madej makes it a point to say that there is no description of who is collecting this information, or why they would be collecting this information, but this Hydrogel has the potential to do all of these things. Also, what information would or could be sent to this Nanotechnology that is inside of us at this point. Could it affect our mood, behavior, or how we think? She paints a very clear picture that this is a very dangerous risk we are willing to accept, because of a fear of contracting a virus. She did not say she was against vaccines, but only against a vaccine that was fast tracked and created to do all of these other things that do not have anything to do with just a vaccination against a world spread novel virus. She also makes a point to say that we should all conduct our own research.

So , here is the information in a printable word document.

As we continue to pray to Our Lord for the Truth, we continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and we must continue to pray and ask for Our Lord to continue to help us discern all Truth in order to not be deceived in these end times. We pray this document will benefit everyone into praying for more guidance before taking a rushed vaccine and understand fully what the goal of the Elites and Freemasons are for the antichrist and these end times. The fact that this vaccination with nanotechnology and a tracking system or mark has the ability to track and receive information means it also has the capability of mind control, just like Prophet John Leary and Visionary Luz De Maria said in their latest prophetic messages two weeks ago from Our Lord. This is also posted in this blog for your review.

Emmanuel – “God is with us” Jesus, We Trust in You. Have a blessed day.

Holy Mass on Sunday, August 23, 2020 at St. Mary’s Parish in Ottawa, Canada. Also, Parking Lot Preaching by Father Mark Goring. Also, Get Your Churches Ready to Receive the Prodigal Children of God to Come Running Back to Him as the Time of Distress Gets Worse.

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. We have been busy posting information in this blog on how to work on Our Spiritual lives and Relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Parish today, Sunday, August 23, 2020.

It has been difficult knowing the information we have been shown by the Holy Spirit of what is coming soon, but we must be grateful that Our Lord is doing this to prepare us to be strong and not fall away from Him and to Serve Him during the time of distress. Even though it may seem that we have everything coming down upon us, we must never give up Hope in Our Lord. He strengthens us through our prayers and calling out to Him, and we must not allow our fears and our mind to run away with us as the times of distress get worse. We don’t know if anything will happen in September, but be prepared just in case it does. Here is a very encouraging word from God to a Prophet on the Mike 444 prophecy website, based on Psalm 91. Because we also know that Our Lord is taking us to a Refuge and God has allowed Prophet John Leary to give us these messages of a Refuge being also a physical place of protection, we should not be afraid. Even though we will witness a lot, just like it is written in Psalm 91, we will be protected by Our Lord, or brought home to His Heavenly Kingdom.

We have over 10,000 views a month on this blog, but not many followers because the Heavenly Legions of Angels are picking out the Remnant and as Our Lord has told us in His Word, the Harvest is plenty but the workers are few.

So, let us all pray to Our Lord to increase the workers to assist in reaping His Harvest and His Will be done in all of our lives, because this work for Our Lord begins now, Disciples of Jesus Christ. When the first event occurs that points to prophecy being fulfilled, especially in America, that is our time to speak for Jesus Christ Our Lord. Some of us are doing it now with family and friends, but because there so many scoffers that are still Spiritually blind and asleep, this has been difficult to get even our loved ones to start on their Relationship with Our Lord. We must not just wait for the Warning to occur, because there may be many events that will occur before the Warning. In fact, we may see a lot of death and destruction before the Warning because We are also being tested, like all of God’s Church. All followers of Our Lord will be tested and purified, and this will be our purgatory on Earth, until we are taken to a Refuge, as Prophet John Leary and Father Michel have both said. So, we may have many, many events that occur prior to the Warning, and that is why we have food and water stored up, and generators and fuels for the generators. But, as Disciples of Jesus Christ, He is counting on us to assist Him as a worker for the Salvation of Souls. We must pray about each event as it unfolds, and be guided by the Holy Spirit and follow His promptings on how we can assist Jesus. We can also ask Our Blessed Mother for Her guidance and intercessory prayers.

If you are in your prayer groups in your cities, start organizing a plan to store food and water at your local Churches. Start speaking to your Priests, Pastors, Ministers, and Deacons about starting a food pantry, and be prepared for people to be turning to God for the answers of what is happening. People will be flocking to the Churches if their house has been devastated, or just out of fear because of the chaos coming upon the Earth. This is our time to shine for Jesus and have food and water, sleeping bags, small bags of toiletries ready and to speak the gospel of Our Lord. Our Churches may have to even provide shelter for people who have lost their homes. Start speaking to people now about the fact that we must act for Jesus as His Disciples and not just stay in our homes because of fear. It scares many people who are still Spiritually blind to the times we are in, but we must encourage them through Our Churches and away from our Churches that God is always Our Savior in everything and we must rely on Him for everything, in distress and out of distress. That we must always turn to Him for the answers. God is going to humble us in so many ways, but this is what He said He would do throughout His Word so that we may come running back to Him, just like the prodigal son.

So, many people that will lose jobs, homes, or just having a difficult time to feed their families will be coming to our Churches for assistance. We need to prepare now for those people who are lost and looking for God and for those Children who have been lukewarm to come running back to Him. Then, when the Warning/Illumination of Conscience does occur, we will have more food around to feed the thousands of people standing in line for confession.

Please start speaking to your local Churches today Disciples and ask your Shepherds to start preparing for the flock to come to them for help. Start food pantries, and begin storing up sleeping bags, and toiletry bags for those that will be hungry and possibly homeless. There are still many Shepherds out there that do not believe we are in the end times, and that is okay, until Our Lord opens their Spiritual eyes. But, we can still prepare economically for those that are getting evicted because of lack of work due to the pandemic. God and His House is always the Refuge, both Spiritually and Physically.

Here is Father Mark Goring conducting parking lot preaching and setting the example for all of God’s Disciples.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Have a blessed day.

More Confirmation from the Holy Spirit, that is proven Scientifically by Doctors and Investigative Medical journalists, that the Elites are Creating a Vaccine that will use a form of Mind Control and the Prophets in this blog are Warning us about!

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. We are putting out another post today that we feel is very important because we keep getting more and more confirmation from the Holy Spirit about the vaccines that the Elites are trying to push on the entire world, and why the Prophets are saying to not take the vaccine.

In the previous post with Pastor Paul Begley and Mike From Around the World, Mike stated that the Elites and their beast system needed to be worshipped by the people. So, we know this already and have explained this in previous posts in this blog about the beast system that we are currently living in, as the First Beast that is described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13. First, we received the information from the Prophets in this blog that we must not get the vaccine because they intend to use it as a form of mind control. Now, the Holy Spirit is showing us how this is going to take place scientifically. The Blessed Trinity always has perfect timing, and it seems the further we go into the times of distress, the more we are becoming aware of how God’s perfect timing is being laid out in this blog. If it wasn’t for Our Surrender to the Lord, and allowing Him to use us as His instruments, the prayer warriors in our prayer group may not be getting all of this information, and we may not have known to share it to put the pieces of this puzzle together. We always give glory back to the Blessed Trinity, because it is God that has put us together to pray for His Wisdom, Knowledge, and Truth, and it is Our Faith in Him that places us in His Divine Will that allows us to consistently receive the Truth.

Everything we put on this blog is for the Salvation of Souls and God’s Divine Will. Some of this information is so far removed from our own reality that it is too hard for us to comprehend, but with God’s Graces, He opens up our Spiritual eyes and Knowledge so that we receive the information in a way that our small minds can comprehend it. And that is why He shows us information scientifically, so that when the Prophets speak on their prophetic messages from God, He allows our unbelief and lack of Faith in His Prophets to be confirmed by what modernism has destroyed for us Spiritually with science. This is actually sad on our parts if we don’t believe in God’s Prophets because it does reflect how far we have been removed from Our Lord Spiritually. But, God Loves us so much that He wants all of His Children to come back to Him, and not be deceived by this beast system any longer and this is why He shows us this information. He didn’t have to show any of us this information, but He does because of His Love for us, and He will show us more during the Warning that is coming soon.

Here is a video from a Doctor Carrie Madej and her explanation of how this vaccine is being manufactured by Moderna, which is a new, up and coming drug discovery and biotechnology manufacturer that is genetically remodifying RNA. By definition this means, RNA modifications are changes to the chemical composition of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules post-synthesis that have the potential to alter function or stability. (As of March 26, 2021, this video is now found on Rumble).

Also listed above is her very profound description of how this injector is being made. We have already talked about LUCIFERASE in this blog on a previous post and also with Dr. Taylor Marshall discussing this in one of his videos. Here is the information on Luciferase that she described in her video,

Also, here is another great video by Israeli News Live that has also interviewed Sofia Smallstorm, who is a an investigative journalist in Science, Health, and Medicine that describes how these autoinjectors work and what the plan is of the Elites that plan to use them against us, that also include mind control. Here is the You Tube video,

This should be all of the Confirmation we need from the Holy Spirit that supports what the Prophets are saying, as scientific evidence, in this blog on why we must not take the vaccine and how it will be used as a form of mind control for the beast system. Always pray for guidance and discernment from Our Lord, but for me and my family, this is why we are definitely not getting the vaccine that will most likely be introduced this Fall or Winter after many more people are dying from a deadlier strain of the virus this Fall.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Have a blessed day.