Do you have a thorn in your side like the Apostle Paul to make you weak for Our Lord to Work through you? Get Ready for Persecution and Start Evangelizing about the Warning. Teachings from Frances Hogan on the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21A through 21D. Excerpt from the Divine Will Teachings on Purgatory, Chapter 20. Newest Messages from After the Warning Website. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Sons of God. Also, Excerpts from St. Faustina’s Diary in a Year on Catholic Universal from Day One! Redacted Video with Wendy Webb on Possible False Flag Scenario Cyber Attack to Disrupt Election Process in 2024. Confirmation of a Father Michel Rodrigue and Pedro Regis Prophetic Message of Iran Attacking Israel and the United States with an Old Islamic Prophecy brought to us by the Christian Broadcast Network.

Happy Feast Day of the Holy Family! I pray everyone had a wonderful experience and moments of Grace from Our Lord as we contemplated on His birth. Events and Signs from God are continuing to unfold before our eyes, and yet most people just keep on living as if nothing is going on, but their own small little worlds that take place in their own families. We have so much suffering going on all over the world, but more importantly Our Lord is suffering the most from all of the sins, blasphemies, and sacrileges that keep growing against Him. As we sit silently in front of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, offer up your suffering to console Him, and unite all of your suffering to His Cross for the salvation of souls. Let us reflect today on what St. Paul suffered as he became an Apostle for God and needed to expiate his sins, while he taught the Gospel to the gentiles. As a Disciple for God, are you allowing a thorn to pierce your side, whether it is physical, mental, or Spiritual suffering? If not, then Surrender yourself to Our Lord today, because we MUST make atonement for our sins, if not now, then after our death in Purgatory if we are saved by God’s Divine Mercy from Hell. Here is 2 Corinthians, Chapter 12.

If we reflect on what Our Lord told St. Paul, we know that we must endure suffering in some form to be His Disciples. Why? Because although the Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer and worship to God, the offering up of ourselves and our wills is the greatest act of love back to God to assist Him in His desire to save all souls from eternal damnation. Here are verses 7-10 from 2 Corinthians, Chapter 12 that St. Paul speaks about in his own personal suffering while he was serving Our Lord. “So to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

St. Paul is telling us that it finally dawned on him, through God’s grace and revelation that our mental faculties must be made weak in order for Our Lord to operate through us as His vessels, this is essentially saying our own wills. This weakness in Paul is not a physical weakness, but a Spiritual weakness. He describes the thorn as a messenger of Satan to torment him. So, although St. Paul did not want to deal with this constant attack of torment from a demon, God showed him that he needed to be made weak, in order to be able to be used by God for the salvation of the gentiles. Could this Spiritual and mental suffering St. Paul endured also be used by God for expiation of his personal sins against Our Lord and the Holy Trinity? Yes, we are discerning that it was, but only God knows how He chooses everything we offer Him in our love of Him.

Since we are getting ready to go through the Warning/Illumination of Conscience, Our Lord is going to reveal to us our sins that we will have to make atonement for at our first death, which is the physical death of our bodies. However, we have a golden opportunity now to make atonement and expiation for our sins, that God has forgiven us because of our repentance, and we must atone for every second we failed to love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and being. This we have learned from studying the teachings of the Divine Will as given to Luisa Piccarreta. So, this expiation is not only for our sins, but for all of the time we failed to even love God, which is indifference to Him or lukewarmness where we just lived without acknowledging our Creator! This is going to be a very long time for most of us, and unless we begin to live like the Saints now, it will be a longer period of purgation for us in Purgatory. Even better that we not only make atonement for ourselves, but for all of the sins, offenses and blasphemies committed against the Holy Trinity as Our Lord explains to Luisa Piccarreta in the Divine Will. Here is Aaron in the Holy Word of God making atonement for the Israelites.

Therefore, Our Lord is allowing three great graces to flow down upon us as we allow ourselves to suffer. We are allowing Our Lord to purify our souls (expiation of our own personal sins) to wash them white in His Most Precious Blood for all of our sins and periods of time in our lives that we have failed to love Him as our Creator, and we are also making atonement for others who are constantly offending the Holy Trinity. Disciples this is a constant offense against God that is crying out for His Justice, and we MUST console Our Lord every opportunity we can get in prayer, adoration, and sacrifice. In addition, God is preparing us for the coming Persecution against His saints. Look how much St. Paul endured all the way up until his martyrdom and did this thorn assist in his preparation! So, at the beginning of this blog, we wrote about emulating St. Paul the Apostle, now we are coming all the way back around to the beginning again with a deeper understanding of St. Paul because of God’s knowledge that He has revealed to us through His Holy Spirit. This is how we must all become His Saints through our suffering and endurance of remaining faithful to God all the way to the end. So, get ready Disciples and start evangelizing now for God! Start handing out Divine Mercy prayer cards and pamphlets about the Warning because we may only have a small window left to serve God for the salvation of souls!

We know that even if we make it to the physical Refuges prior to the Tribulation period, we are all going to suffer in order to wash our robes white. Depending on how far we get into the Divine Will of God now depends on how much we have become His Saints, thus how long we must expiate for our past sins in Purgatory. We know that the more we live in God’s Divine Will, the more likely we will be used by God as His vessel, which also means suffering for us, like St. Paul did as an Apostle, while we are still alive on earth.

However, those of us trying to live in God’s Divine Will as taught to Luisa Piccarreta by Our Lord will also be the first to receive any graces of expiation through paths we have created as the Church suffering in Purgatory from others who are also trying to live in God’s Divine Will and still alive on Earth, who are the Church Militant. It is a constant Grace and Blessing from God proving that we are all serving God as the Church Militant praying and suffering for the poor souls in Purgatory, and as the Church Suffering in Purgatory constantly praying for us on earth, the Church Militant. Thus, the more we align our souls in God’s Divine Will, the more we make paths of holiness to ascend into the Heavenly Kingdom immediately at death, or if we must go and continue to make atonement in Purgatory, are the first to receive the graces through these same paths Our Lord is allowing from those still living on earth in His Divine Will. For those that have never tried to live in God’s Divine Will, but only saved by God’s Divine Mercy from Hell, must stay in Purgatory until God has decided they have expiated their sins and lukewarmness of not loving God as they should have as God’s created. This is a very, very, long time if you have studied the Mystics like Maria Simma, and the last book we spoke about, (Manuscripts on Purgatory, from Two Mystics) from a Nun from Purgatory giving Spiritual direction to another Cloistered Nun still alive on earth, by God’s grace. This book is a jewel, and I can’t seem to put it down. In fact, I am going to read it again, it is just that good! I have also been reading it to my two children, and they are taking it all in to learn how to become a Saint for God! I love it when I can get my kids excited about learning something for God.

Remember, if we make it to the 4th Degree of the Divine Will, concupiscence is removed from our souls, and we are so united to God in His Divine Will, that He brings us straight to Heaven at our death. I would also imagine that the past Saints made it to the 3rd Degree of the Divine Will and were in Union with God, but they did not know about the Divine Will revelation, and some also bypassed Purgatory all together. It seems as if many of us have to make some type of atonement in Purgatory, because of the stains of even the smallest of venial sins. It is fascinating to me personally of how Our Lord uses everything in our lives for our own good and sanctity. Here is an excerpt from the Divine Will, Volume 20 from Our Lord explaining these paths we create for ourselves as learn how to live in God’s Divine Will.

November 3, 1926
As many acts as we do in the Will of God, so many paths do we prepare in order to receive suffrages in Purgatory. I continue to live all abandoned in the adorable Will; and while I was praying, I thought to myself: ‘How I would like to descend into the prisons of the purging souls and release them all, and in the light of the Eternal Will, bring them all to the Celestial Fatherland.’ At that moment, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the more the souls who have passed to the other life have been submitted to my Will, and the more acts they have done in It, the more paths they have formed in order to receive suffrages from earth. Therefore, the more they have done my Will, the more ways of communication they have formed for the goods which are in the Church and which belong to Me; and there is no path formed by them which does not bring, to some a relief, to some a prayer, to some a diminution of pains. The suffrages walk along these royal paths of my Will, to bring to each one the merit, the fruit and the capital that one has formed in my Will. So, without It, there are no paths nor means in order to receive suffrages. Even though the suffrages and everything that the Church does always descend into Purgatory, they go, however, to those who have formed the paths. For the others, who have not done my Will, the paths are closed or do not exist at all. If these were saved, it is because at least at the point of death they have recognized the Supreme dominion of my Will, they have adored It, and have submitted themselves to It. This last act has rescued them; otherwise they could not even be saved. For one who has always done my Will, there are no paths for Purgatory – his path goes straight to Heaven. And one who has recognized my Will and has submitted himself to It, not in everything and always, but in great part, has formed so many paths and receives so much, that Purgatory sends him quickly to Heaven. Now, just as the purging souls had to form the paths to be able to receive the suffrages, in the same way, the living, in order to send suffrages, must do my Will and form their own paths, so as to make their suffrages ascend into Purgatory. If they make suffrages, but they are far away from my Will, since the communication with my Will is missing, which alone unites and binds everyone, their suffrages will not find the way in order to ascend, the feet to be able to walk, the strength in order to give relief. They will be suffrages without life, because the true life of my Will is missing, which alone has the virtue of giving life to all goods. The more the soul possesses of my Will, the more value her prayers, her works, her pains, contain; therefore she can bring more relief to those blessed souls. I measure and give value to everything that the soul can do, according to how much of my Will she possesses. If my Will flows in all of her acts, the measure I take is immense; even more, I never stop measuring, and I give it so much value, that its weight cannot be calculated. On the other hand, if one does not care much about my Will, the measure is scarce and the value of little importance. And if one does not care at all, as much as the soul may do, I have nothing to measure, and no value to attribute. Therefore, if they have no value, how can they bring relief to those souls in Purgatory who recognize nothing, nor can they receive anything, but what my Eternal Fiat produces. But do you know who can bring all the reliefs, the light that purifies, the love that transforms? One who possesses the life of my Will in everything and in whom It dominates triumphantly. This soul does not even need the paths, because by possessing my Will, she has the right to all paths. She can go to all points, because she possesses within herself the royal path of my Will, in order to go into that deep prison and bring all reliefs and liberations. More so, since in creating man, We gave him Our Will as special inheritance, and We recognize everything he has done within the boundaries of Our inheritance, with which We endowed him. All the rest is not recognized by Us – it is not Our stuff, nor can We allow anything to enter Heaven which has not been done by the creature, either in Our Will, or at least in order to do It. Since Creation came out of the Eternal Fiat, Our Will, jealous, allows no act to enter the Celestial Fatherland which has not passed through Its own Fiat. Oh! If all knew what Will of God means, and that all the works, even those which appear to be good but are empty of It, are works empty of light, empty of value, empty of life; and works without light, without value and without life do not enter into Heaven. Oh, how attentive they would be in doing my Will in everything and forever!”

Let us PrayLord, we are Yours and we Surrender everything to Your Divine Will, which is also Your Divine Love. We are nothing and submit our nothingness into Your Allness. We offer up everything in our works, suffering, and love of You and the Holy Trinity and unite them to Your Cross that You continue to carry for the salvation of all souls. We offer up our pains for a lost soul today and for Your Divine Will so that all of our acts of suffering can be used by You to either assist a poor soul in Purgatory, or for a lost soul on earth that needs to come into Your Sacred Heart. We all know that we must continue to make atonement for our current past sins that You have forgiven but must repair the damage we have caused in our Relationship with You. We ask that You continue to lead us deeper and deeper into Your Divine Will as You know what we must still atone for and how we must expiate these past sins and to become Your Saints in full and complete union with the Holy Trinity. Thank You Lord, for the gift of suffering as a Divine Currency, and we will continue to fuse all of ourselves in Your Divine Will. We also pray that Our Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph pray for us and guide us as the Holy Family working for the salvation of all souls. We ask this of Our Heavenly Father, in Your name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wow! Here is Saint Faustina’s Diary in a Year given to us by Catholic Universal! This is fantastic to listen to before the Warning arrives. Here is Day 1, and the videos readings of the excerpts are only about 5 minutes long.

Here are the next teachings on the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21 from Frances Hogan in Shalom World. Frances Hogan finally gets to explain how Heaven is brought down to earth Spiritually because the Remnant that makes it through to the end are the souls that are living perpetually in God’s Divine Will. Here is the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21 A.

Here is the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21B as taught by Frances Hogan.

Here is the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21C as taught by Frances Hogan.

Here is the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21D, and into Chapter 22A as taught by Frances Hogan.

Here are the latest videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times. Since we have been focused on Purgatory these past several posts, here is an interview that Jim Fifth from After the Warning, and Monique from Mother and Refuge conducted with Alvaro from Uniquely Mary. Just getting to listening to this interview now, myself. It sounds fantastic so far.

Since we all are discerning that there is a very good chance that the Warning could come in 2024, here is Mother and Refuge of the End Times with a testimony from a man that got to experience his own personal warning from God about the state of his soul.

Here is the latest video from Quo Vadis with a message given to Luz De Maria.

Here is the latest video from Sons of God with a video on John Leary’s messages on the Refuges.

Here is a fantastic compilation of the signs God has given us to look for prior to the Warning, and also some of the signs from God that are manifesting now! This is why we are all sensing and discerning that the Warning/Illumination of Conscience is coming in 2024.

Here are the latest messages from After the Warning website. This first message is from Giselle Cardia.

Here is another from Giselle Cardia about praying for a Grace from God on Christmas Eve.

Wow! Here are the latest prayers given to us from Lorena Portillo from Mexico. I was able to print these out directly from the website.

Here is the latest message given to Luz De Maria.

Here are the latest messages given to Manuela Strack.

Here are the latest messages from the visionaries in Medjugorje.

Here are the latest messages given to Pedro Regis from Our Blessed Mother.

Kate, a follower of the blog, has sent us an excerpt from the Book, After the Warning to 2038, about a message given to Pedro Regis about Iran striking Israel. This is a very real possibility, and here is what Kate sent us, and what we wrote about a year ago about Iran striking the United States.

Here is the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) video that Kate sent us showing that it is an ancient Islamic belief that Iran will destroy Israel before the Mahdi returns as the 12th Imam.

We agree with you Kate, that it is very likely that Iran will strike both Israel and the United States as an act of WWIII. Of course, for the United States not to retaliate in defense of Israel, we would have to be struck by another Country first or simultaneously as has been prophesied by Father Michel Rodrigue about us in the United States being attacked by Iran and North Korea. Father Michel Rodrigue did not specify how this attack would come from North Korea and Iran, but this was one of his prophetic messages. We also did a post about this based on St. Hildegard’s prophetic messages of the United States colonies in the east being attacked by a Lion and a Tiger. Here is the post we did on this a year and a half ago.

Kate did a fantastic job of doing the research in Pedro Regis’ personal website of tracking down the message from 4/26/2005. Great Job Kate proving that Pedro Regis did actually prophesize this that was mentioned in Bruce Cyr’s book, After the Warning to 2038. Here is the message from Pedro Regis himself.

So, more proof that these modern-day prophets that we have in this blog are bringing us the Truth about what is going to happen as these events continue to unfold. God of course can diminish or change the outcome of any chastisement through our prayers and suffering, just as He did with World Wars I and II with the suffering that Luisa Piccarreta offered up as a victim soul. Please keep Israel and the United States in your prayers today.

Here is Whitney Webb again on Redacted with Clayton Morris speaking on a possible cyber-attack false flag to interrupt the presidential election process in 2024. What is important to remember is that if we have a false flag event, that gives us an appearance is from another country like Iran, will this give Iran the excuse to retaliate with a nuclear weapon? The deception just keeps growing and growing!

Here is also a fantastic summary of interviews conducted by U.S. Grace Force over the course of the year in 2023.

Here is the latest Jason A you tube video on the scary increase of intelligence of ChatGPT month after month, and how we don’t realize how rapidly technology is advancing right under our noses. Stay away from advancing technology! We did a post on this several years ago, and now this is more important than ever. In this video, the Scientists are creating robots with human emotion now.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus. We Trust in You. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.

The Devil Has Dropped a Coocoo egg in Our Church! Great teaching on How the Devil Lies to Us and Tries to Take Over our Hearts by Father Columba Jordan. Let’s keep the Peace of Christ in Our Hearts and Focus on His Birth and His Coming! Newest Messages from After the Warning Website. Latest Videos by Mother and Refuge of the End Times and Quo Vadis. Latest Update and Interview with Bob Gonzalez on the Garabandal Messages and Luisa Piccarreta! Latest Videos from Life Site News, Father Chris Alar and Father Mark Goring on Confusion in Our Church. Christmas Novena from Luisa Piccarreta and Also from Uniquely Mary for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

Goodmorning Disciples of Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas! Now, take a deep breath and know that Jesus Christ, Our King is coming in His birth, and we must stay calm out of love for Him, because we can’t become Saints if we aren’t always practicing the virtue of Humility.

Things have certainly escalated again since our last post, which is more confirmation of the intensity of the labor pains. We are going to discuss a little bit about the Fiducia Supplicans‘ document put out by the Vatican, but more importantly that our hearts must stay focused on Jesus Christ, Our King, because He is the TRUE meaning of Christmas. There has been some point of contention about how the Priests can conduct a blessing for same sex couples and why there is a blessing for all sinners, so that the Holy Spirit can assist us in recognizing our sins, so that we can reconcile our souls back to God. Here is the somewhat confusing document in case you have not heard about it, but it is all over the news now.

We have read the document and see the big Coocoo egg that Satan has laid in our nest, but instead of getting angry, which is what Satan is trying to do with us, let’s approach this from a different angle and use this as a way to evangelize the TRUTH and the LIGHT of CHRIST to all of those seeking same sex unions. We all agree that the word “couples” should not be there and instead should read as “individuals”. However, if a Priest is approached spontaneously by two men or two women of the same sex, then the Priest has a golden opportunity to take each person aside and bless him or her individually, while at the same time evangelizing the individual in the TRUTH. If the couple gets upset, then the Priest can just simply point them right back to Fiducia Supplicans’ document to Paragraphs 38 and 39 which keeps the priest in compliance with not blessing same sex unions. We agree with all of the good holy Priests and Bishops that would like to raise further questions with the Vatican on this document, because this is our first natural instinct. However, in Paragraph 41, the documents states that no further clarification should be necessary with a prudent Priest with good discernment. This means, the Vatican intentionally left this document vague so that Priests can use his discretion in each situation, which would be spontaneous approaches from couples.

So, what we are going to see now, are Priests like Father James Martin abusing the document to bless same sex couples, but also holy Priests using the document as a chance to evangelize individuals in same sex unions but separating them and blessing them individually away from each other. This document request is one of many contradictions to the True Magisterium of Our Church that has caused great confusion, and we believe documents like these will keep coming to sway God’s Church into buying the lie the world is trying to force on us, which is coming from Satan. The question is, when do we get up and fight? Each Priest is going to be tested as well as us lay people throughout this Tribulation period, so each Priest knows from the Holy Spirit what he must do, and this is why we see some Priests ready to push back, and other holy Priests saying, I will just use this as a tool to save souls. We must evangelize to the whole world the Truth, and this is a golden opportunity to evangelize to same sex attracted individuals the Truth that this is a sin, and God loves the sinner, but cannot bless the sin. Nothing has changed if we always speak the Truth, and we don’t get rattled by Satan’s lies. In fact, every Priest out there should not only bless the couples that approaches them as individuals or separately, but also give him or her a Divine Mercy prayer card, and suggest they pray for God’s Divine Mercy for his or her soul. The Warning is coming soon, and we must assist Our Lord in saving souls!

Thus, Satan has laid a big Coocoo egg and now we must keep praying for Our Lord to guide us as we continue to receive the trials that are testing each one of us to become His Saints. Here is a video teaching by Father Columba Jordan about the reference to the Coocoo egg.

Let us PrayLord, we ask that You continue to give us guidance into each trial that comes our way. We know that Satan has infiltrated Your Church, but we also know that You are separating Your Sheep from the goats. Please guide each one of us on how to evangelize all Souls to Your Sweet and Loving Sacred Heart. Please give us the Graces to know when to stand up and fight, but to always reach out to the sinners of this world and show them the path of reconciliation back to You in order to be rightly ordered in Your Sacred Heart. As You put souls in our paths, speak for us through Your Holy Spirit as You promised us in Your Holy Word. We pray to be used as Your vessels of love for the salvation of souls and we pray that we are continually molded into Your Divine Will in Our Blessed Mother’s Marian Army. We ask this of Our Heavenly Father, in Your Name, Jesus Christ.

Here is the best response yet from Father Mark Goring on how to respond to this document.

Again, we are in support of all of the holy Bishops that have chosen to speak out against this new document. Here is Bishop Strickland with Life Site News.

Here is Father Chris Alar explaining how the document is confusing for many Priests and laity. This is because it was written that way so that it would give Priests like Father James Martin a way to carry out what the Freemasons are trying to do to Our Church. But, the holy Priests again should use this opportunity to evangelize to those that approach them with God’s Truth.

Here is day nine of the Christmas Novena for the poor souls in Purgatory.

Here is the Christmas Novena as written by Luisa Piccarreta. We apologize for not posting this earlier, because we were focusing on the poor souls in Purgatory Novena. However, you can still pray this now and work your way up until Christmas day for the celebration of the birth of Our Lord.

Here are the messages on After the Warning website. The first message is given to Luz De Maria from Saint Michael the Archangel about a physical darkness coming.

Here is a message from Our Lady of Zaro about praying for the Vicar of Christ. If we don’t pray for the salvation of all souls, including those that have written and approved the document Fiducia Supplicans, then we are failing our test from Jesus to pray for everyone. Disciples, God wants all to be saved and this has been made very clear throughout all of our history with the Saints, and especially now in the teachings of Luisa Piccarreta in the Divine Will. If we don’t offer up our suffering and prayers for everyone to be saved, including Father James Martin and all of the Freemasons and elites, then we are not living in God’s Divine Will.

Here are recent messages given to Pedro Regis from Our Blessed Mother about staying true to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, it may look like Satan is advancing, but the final victory will be the Lord’s!

Here is the recent message given to Valentina Papagna from Our Blessed Mother about the persecution of God’s Church and how the whole world is now covered in darkness because of sin that is enveloping the world. We have written many posts in this blog of both a Spiritual darkness that God is allowing because of our overall rejection of Him. We have also written about the vision from Father James Blount about the physical darkness that is coming that God will allow. This was just mentioned by Saint Michael the Archangel above in a message given to Luz De Maria. However, God is the LIGHT of THE WORLD! So, when we experience this physical darkness, we turn to Our Lord and seek His everlasting light.

Now, for all of the videos that Mother and Refuge has been putting out recently that have been spectacular. The first video is very important with an interview with Bob from Elijah’s Cloak. This interview is critical because Bob Gonzalez stated that Mariloli from the Garabandal visionaries stated that the Warning will come either 3 weeks or 3 months prior to the Miracle! This is exactly what we have been discerning that the Warning and Miracle must be close together.

If this information is accurate, this places the Warning in possibly February 2024, which aligns perfectly with Marie Julie Jaheeny’s prophecy about the season of the Warning most likely being in February or March. This also would align with Saint Stanislaus as the Eucharistic martyr that meets the prophetic message given to Conchita about the Miracle being on a Feast Day of a Eucharistic martyr. So, this year, Saint Stanislaus’ Feast Day is on April 11, 2024, which is also a Thursday.

If the Warning doesn’t take place in February of 2024, then we are looking at a possible two more-year cycle in 2026, because it was prophesied that the Miracle would be in an even year. Wow, no one at this point that has been following prophetic messages is seeing us waiting two more years with all of the sins around us! Lord, please have Mercy on all of Your Children and bring us the Warning if it is Your Divine Will.

Here is the video with Bob from Elijah’s cloak.

Here are some more great videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times. Here is one with Daniel O’Connor on needing Luisa and God’s Divine Will Now!

Here is the Christmas story brought to us by Mother and Refuge of the End Times so that we can focus on the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is a video by Quo Vadis.

Here is a beautiful music video sent to all of the people in Mother Gabriell’s mailing list. This music video is beautiful!,vid:Ov3tqAtDfVc,st:0.

Merry Christmas my friends. Keep God’s love in your hearts and spend some loving time with Him this Christmas day!

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.

Happy Third Week of Advent! New Messages from After the Warning Website. Mother and Refuge of the End Times Releases New Messages of an Unknown Little Girl Prophet in Mexico. Latest Videos from Jason A and a Newly Released Propaganda Trailer Movie from the Elites About a Cyber Attack. Excerpt from Chapter 20 in The Divine Will Messages of Luisa Piccarreta. Our Lord Reveals to Luisa that Perfect Union with God in the Divine Will Leaves the Body Incorrupt at Death. Uniquely Mary and Christmas Novena. Father Chris Alar’s teaching on Plenary Indulgence Explained on the Divine Mercy Website. Another Older Video Conference from Father Jim Blount on Adoration.

Good evening, Disciples of Jesus Christ. Persevering until our souls are washed white! What does this mean exactly? As we reflect on how we can continue to work with Our Lord by Surrendering to His Divine Will, let’s study what God’s Holy Word said about washing our souls white.

If we are moving towards the highest sanctity in the Divine Will of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, I would imagine that our souls MUST have to be as pure as the snow, or as bright as the whitest white of a pure cotton garment that has never been worn. It is hard for us to wrap our minds around how much sin we have obtained in our lifetimes and how dirty our souls are from sin, and even harder for us to break these strongholds of sin that we just can’t seem to detach ourselves from in our own defects. However, Our Lord put it on my heart the other day in Adoration with Him to keep persevering in prayer! While I was meditating on my love for Him, I kept getting this image of being a five-year child walking into His Sacred Heart that He has opened up to us in the Divine Mercy image. Now, as I pray to Our Lord, and I enter into this brilliant light coming from His Chest, I look for Our Lord and He is there to greet me with open arms. He then takes my hand and walks further into His Brilliant light of love behind Him, then it dawned on me that this is the same image I selected for the blog with a person holding a little child’s hand walking into the light of the Sunset on the beach! Sadly, this is where my image stops in my mind when I am in adoration or in prayer, but this is where we must TRUST in God that He is doing something to our souls, as we continue to push further into His Sacred Heart. My own intellect can’t take us further, because I am still attached to the things of this world, but I am still Surrendering to God and His Divine Will and praying for His transformation of my soul by His brilliant light of love.

I am still reading and studying St. Teresa of Avila’s description of the fifth mansion and understanding this is where God picks up and we leave off on our own spiritual growth. However, if it seems like we are stuck and it feels this way for me, and it feels like we are not being guided by God, we must remember that God is still disposing our souls (working on removing our stains of sin) and we must keep persevering in prayer and adoration with Him. This is hard because it feels like we are a ship lost at sea, with no rudder, but everything we keep studying and reading on the Spiritual Life from the Saints tells us to keep Trusting in God and keep going. We know that God is going to take us to a higher level, and we just have to continue to allow Him to do the work on our souls to keep purging our stains of sin. Luisa Piccarreta had most of her sins purged back in Volumes 4 and 5 in the Divine Will teachings because Frances Hogan keeps telling us that Luisa already had 3 Spiritual Unions (marriages) with God before she was given the full Divine Will Union in Volume 18 and 19. This means that Luisa had already entered Mansions 6 and 7 that St. Teresa of Avila describes in her book, “The Interior Castle”. Wow! This is hard for us to conceive, but Our Lord had to purge and clean her soul to prepare her for the Divine Will Revelation and level of sanctity that He was bringing her in order to initiate the Divine Will era on earth. God can’t be in the presence of sin and rest completely in our souls if we are full of sin and our souls are not completely washed white and Luisa was the first to live in full Union of God’s Divine Will (with original sin) besides Our Blessed Mother who was born without original sin. Our Lord can’t bring Heaven to Earth in the Era of Peace if our souls are not fully transformed by Him and washed completely white. Here is an Excerpt from Volume 20 from October 22, 1926.

October 22, 1926
The great good that the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will bring. How It will be the preserver from all evils. Just as the Virgin, while doing no miracle, made the great miracle of giving a God to the creatures, so it will be for the one who must make the Kingdom known: she will make the great miracle of giving a Divine Will. I was thinking to myself about the Holy Divine Will, and I said: ‘But, what will be the great good of this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat?’ Jesus, interrupting my thought, as though in a hurry, moved in my interior, telling me: “My daughter, what will be the great good?! What will be the great good?! The Kingdom of my Fiat will enclose all goods, all miracles and the most sensational prodigies; even more, It will surpass them all together. And if ‘miracle’ means to give sight to a blind person, to straighten up a cripple, to heal one who is sick, to raise one who is dead, etc., the Kingdom of my Will will have the preserving nourishment, and for whomever enters into It, there will be no danger that he may become blind, crippled or sick. Death will no longer have power in the soul; and if it will have it over the body, it will not be death, but transit. Without the nourishment of sin and the degraded human will which produced the corruption of the bodies, and with the preserving nourishment of my Will, the bodies will not be subject to decompose and be corrupted so horribly as to strike fear even into the strongest ones, as it happens now; but they will remain composed in their sepulchers, waiting for the day of the resurrection of all. Do you think it is a greater miracle to restore the sight of a poor blind one, to straighten up a cripple, to heal a sick person, or to have a preserving means, so that the eye may never lose its sight, so that one may always walk straight, and so that he may always be healthy? I believe that the preserving miracle is greater than the miracle after a misfortune has occurred. This is the great difference between the kingdom of Redemption and the kingdom of the Supreme Fiat: in the first, the miracle was for the poor unfortunate, as it is today, who lie some in one misfortune, some in another. Therefore, I gave the example, also externally, of giving many different healings, which were the symbol of the healings which I gave to the souls, and which return easily to their infirmity. The second will be a preserving miracle, because my Will possesses this miraculous power: whoever lets himself be dominated by It, will be subject to no evil. Therefore, It will have no need to make miracles, because It will preserve them always healthy, holy and beautiful – worthy of that beauty which came out of Our creative hands in creating the creature. The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will make the great miracle of banishing all evils, all miseries, all fears, because It will not perform a miracle at one time or circumstance, but will keep the children of Its Kingdom with Itself with an act of continuous miracle, to preserve them from any evil, and let them be distinguished as the children of Its Kingdom. This, in the souls; but also in the body there will be many modifications, because sin is always the nourishment of all evils. Once sin is removed, there will be no nourishment for evil; more so, since my Will and sin cannot exist together, therefore also the human nature will have its beneficial effects. Now, my daughter, having to prepare the great miracle of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, I am doing with you, firstborn daughter of my Will, just as I did with the Sovereign Queen, my Mama, when I had to prepare the Kingdom of Redemption. I drew Her so closely to Me; I kept Her so occupied in Her interior, as to be able to form together with Her the miracle of Redemption, which was so much needed. There were so many things which, together, we were to do, to redo, to complete, that I had to hide from her outward appearance those things which might be called miracles, except for Her perfect virtue. By this, I rendered Her more free to cross the unending sea of the Eternal Fiat, to be able to have access to the Divine Majesty, in order to obtain the kingdom of Redemption. What would be greater: that the Celestial Queen had given sight to the blind and speech to the mute, or the miracle of making the Eternal Word descend upon earth? The first would have been accidental, fleeting and individual miracles; the second, instead, is a permanent miracle – and it is for everyone, as long as they want it. Therefore, the first would have been nothing compared to the second. She was the true sun, who, eclipsing everything, eclipsed the very Word of the Father within Herself, letting all the goods, all the effects and miracles which Redemption produced, germinate from Her light. But as sun, She produced goods and miracles without allowing Herself to be seen, or pointed out as the primary cause of everything. In fact, all the good I did upon earth, I did because the Empress of Heaven
reached the point of holding Her empire over the Divinity; and with Her empire She took Me from Heaven, to give Me to the creatures. Now, I am doing the same with you, in order to prepare the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. I keep you with Me; I make you cross Its unending sea to give you access to the Celestial Father, that you may pray Him, win over Him, rule over Him, to obtain the Fiat of my Kingdom. In order to fulfill and consume in you all the miraculous power which is needed form a kingdom so holy, I keep you occupied continuously in your interior with the work of my kingdom; I make you go around continuously in order to redo – to complete everything that is needed, and that all should do in order to form the great miracle of my Kingdom. Externally, I let nothing miraculous appear in you, except for the light of my Will. Some may say: ‘How can this be? Blessed Jesus manifests so many portents to this creature about this kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and the goods It will bring will surpass Creation and Redemption; even more, It will be the crown of both one and the other. But in spite of so much good, nothing miraculous can be seen in her, externally, as confirmation of the great good of this kingdom of the Eternal Fiat; while the other saints, without the portent of this great good, have made miracles at every step.’ But if they turn back to consider my dear Mama, the holiest of all creatures, and the great good which She enclosed within Herself and which She brought to the creatures, there is no one who can compare to Her. She made the great miracle of conceiving the Divine Word within Herself, and the portent of giving a God to each creature. And before this great prodigy, never before seen or heard, of being able to give the Eternal Word to the creatures, all other miracles together are like tiny little flames before the sun. Now, one who must do the most has no need to do the least. In the same way, before the miracle of the Kingdom of my Will restored in the midst of creatures, all other miracles will be tiny little flames before the great sun of my Will. Each saying, truth and manifestation about It, is a miracle which came out of my Will, as preserver from all evils. It is like binding the creatures to an infinite good, to a greater glory, and to a new beauty – fully Divine. Each truth about my Eternal Fiat contains more power and prodigious virtue than if a dead man were resurrected, a leper were healed, a blind person regained his sight, or a mute his speech. In fact, my words on the sanctity and power of my Fiat will resurrect the souls to their origin; they will heal them from the leprosy produced by the human will. They will give them the sight to see the goods of the Kingdom of my Will, because until now, they have been like blind; they will give speech to many mute, who were able to say many other things, but only for my Will were like many mute without speech. And then, the miracle of being able to give to each creature a Divine Will which contains all goods – what will It not give them when It will be in possession of the children of Its Kingdom? This is why I keep you all occupied with the work of this Kingdom of Mine – and there is much to do, to prepare the great miracle that the Kingdom of the Fiat be known and possessed. Therefore, be attentive in crossing the unending sea of my Will, so that order may be established between Creator and creature; in this way, through you, I will be able to make the great miracle that man return to Me – into the origin from which he came.” Then, I was thinking of what is written above, especially that each word and manifestation about the Supreme Will is a miracle that comes from It. And Jesus, to confirm what He had told me, added: “My daughter, when I came upon earth, what do you think was a greater miracle: my word, the Gospel I announced, or that I gave life to the dead, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, etc.? Ah! My daughter, the greatest miracle was my word, my Gospel; more so, since miracles themselves came from my word. The foundation, the substance of all miracles came from my creative word. The Sacraments, Creation Itself, a permanent miracle, had life from my word; and my very Church has my word, my Gospel, as regime and foundation. Therefore, my word, my Gospel were greater miracles than miracles themselves – if these had life, it was because of my miraculous word. Therefore, be sure that the word of your Jesus is the greatest miracle. My word is like impetuous wind that runs, pounds on the hearing, enters the hearts, warms, purifies, enlightens, goes around and around from nation to nation; it covers all the world, and wanders throughout all centuries. Who can ever give death and bury one word of Mine? No one. And if sometimes it seems that my word is silent and as though hidden, it never loses its life. When least expected, it comes out and goes everywhere. Centuries will pass in which everything – men and things – will be overwhelmed and disappear, but my word will never pass away, because it contains Life – the miraculous power of the One who has delivered it. Therefore, I confirm that each word and manifestation I make to you about my eternal Fiat is the greatest miracle, which will serve for the Kingdom of my Will. This is why I push you so much, and I care so much that not a word be not manifested and written by you – because I see a miracle of Mine coming back to Me, which will bring so much good to the children of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.”

So, Our Lord is telling us here that our bodies will be incorrupt until the final judgement because we have been made so pure by our full union in His Divine Will, however, we must remember this is at level 4 of the Divine Will that we have spoken about in other posts. If this took twenty plus years for Luisa to get to this highest level of sanctity, how much longer would it take us laity striving for God’s perfection, who aren’t even victim souls like Luisa? It’s not like Our Lord couldn’t do it in a shorter period of time because He is God, like prayerfully at a Second Pentecost after the Warning, but it appears to me that Our Lord wants us to work towards that promise with Him and not just assume we are going to receive such a special gift from God without the costs. We have to not only desire it from our hearts to be in full union with Him, but we must continue to strive for perfection ourselves of refraining from all temptations of sin, and we must continue to pray for God’s graces to purify our souls, hearts, intellects, and memories and reveal to us any remaining blockages (defects we must conquer through virtues.)

Let us PrayLord, we miss You dearly in the privations we have received and although we may feel lost like a small vessel without a rudder at times in the dark night of the senses, we know that You are taking us to a higher-level of sanctity, and we must Trust in Your Divine Will to lead us where You want us to go. If we need further purification, please lead us in Your Divine Will. If we have a stronghold defect in our lives due to generational sins, please guide us to prayer and fasting and how to remove these strongholds of sins. If we are to just sit in Your presence in Adoration and wait on Your work to be done on our souls, then allow us to receive this guidance from You today. If we are to seek the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and all of the Saints to pray for us to live in Your Divine Will, then speak to us in our hearts. If we are to simply praise, worship, and glorify You in joyful Hope of Your coming both in Your Birth and Your Second Coming, then let us sing Your praises today and every day to the world that the King is Coming! The Great, Glorious, and Mighty King is Coming! Prepare your hearts, make straight your paths, and prepare to prostrate yourselves before the Lord! We pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Our King. Amen.

Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website. This first message was given to Luz De Maria from Our Blessed Mother.

This next message is from Giselle Cardia.

Here are the latest messages from Pedro Regis from Our Blessed Mother.

Here are the latest messages given to Prophet John Leary.

Here is an important message from Our Blessed Mother to John Leary on the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception.

Here is an important message given to John Leary on December 11, 2023 about the Warning/Illumination of Conscience.

Here are the latest videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times.

Here is an interview by Monique with Mother and Refuge of the End Times with Lucas, who is in contact with Father Oliveira and has more information about the prophetic messages given to a Nun in Brazil.

Now, for some very important messages from a little girl in Mexico that Ron Ray has been translating from Spanish to English very diligently. These are the first ten messages of 50 total messages this little girl has received about preparing for the Warning. These are very similar to other prophetic messages given to Prophet John Leary and Father Michel Rodrigue and the Divine Will revelation given to Luisa Piccarreta. This little girl definitely has our attention in this blog, and we are so thankful to Ron Ray to take the time to translate these messages for us still trying to understand how to prepare our souls, minds, and hearts for what is coming before and after the Warning/Illumination of Conscience.

We will eagerly await the next set of messages that Ron is still working on for us to listen. Thanks, Ron Ray, for all of your hard work for the salvation of souls.

Here is the latest video from Quo Vadis with a homily from Cardinal Burke.

Now for more information on praying for the poor souls in Purgatory. We have been following Uniquely Mary for the Christmas Novena and for information we have been receiving from different Mystics and Saints about how important it is to pray for the poor souls in Purgatory. Here is day four of the Christmas Novena brought to us by Uniquely Mary.

Remember that Christmas day is the day that the most souls are released by God out of Purgatory into the Heavenly Kingdom. Here is the video that Alvaro did last year praying for the poor souls in Purgatory on Christmas day.

For those seeking a blessing from a Priest or liberation from demonic oppression, here is the St. Michael Center with Father Rosetti. I would confer with a Priest in person however if you feel like you are under demonic possession, or this liberation does not seem to affect the outcome of what appears to be an oppression against you or your family.

Here is an online deliverance session on January 8, 2024, that you can register for with Father Rosetti sent to us by Kate, a follower of the blog. Thank you, Kate, for bringing this to our attention.

Now, because we have been praying with our Pardon Crucifix many Holy Rosaries and praying for the Pope’s intentions to be in God’s Divine Will, here is a teaching on Indulgences with Father Chris Alar titled, “Plenary Indulgences: The Most Misunderstood of all Church Teaching i explaining the Faith.”

Here is Gabi After Hours with the best Marian Consecration.

Here is a little bit of joy and Adoration of Our Lord with Father Jim Blount.

Here are the latest videos from Jason A on the latest crazy events and Biblical signs going on around the world.

Here is a video by Jason A with the signs from the Sun with the solar flares increasing.

Here is the video that Jason A showed momentarily on the trailer clip of a movie about a cyber-attack. Could this be another soft disclosure of what the elites are planning, and also trying to push more fear in the world about what potential cyber-attacks could do to all of us around the globe? Do not fear because we are covered by the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world. Have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.                          

Happy Second Week of Advent. Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadulupe! Few Will Be Saved Homily by St. Leonard of Port Maurice! Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. Father Chris Alar Discusses the Validity of the Divine Will Messages with Daniel O’Connor on Divine Mercy Website. More Prophetic Confirmation That a Celestial Body is Getting Ready to Cause an Axial Shift to Our Planet. Father Mark Beard with More Excerpts on Purgatory from the Book, Manuscripts on Purgatory. Frances Hogan’s Teaching on the Book of Revelation, Chapter 20. More Videos from Our Mother and Refuge of the End Times.

Goodmorning Disciples of Jesus Christ. Wow! More and more confirmations keep coming about this celestial body, that we believe is the Great Comet mentioned by Our Blessed Mother in Her prophetic messages, to be used by Our Lord to wreak havoc on the Earth as a tool for chastisements and purification and we will all know it is from God. How do we prepare? We seek Our Lord’s Sacred Heart every day in trying to get closer and closer to Him. We go to Confession NOW, and not wait a minute longer because we can’t squeeze it into our schedules, or we are embarrassed of our sins. We pray with our hearts to God for His Divine Mercy, and we keep learning how to live in His Divine Will. We just finished the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception; we are in the Second week of Advent, and today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadulupe! Go to Holy Mass! Spend some time in Adoration with Our Lord, then go to Confession and get all sins off your soul, while we still have time to do so with Our Lord. I know it sounds as if I am preaching to the choir, but I have gone to Confession twice in one week because Satan keeps attacking, but Our Lord’s graces keep coming to help me get back up! Time is short, and we must take advantage of all of the Sacraments while we still can!

Not sure if you have had a chance to read this message thoroughly from Luz De Maria, but she just confirmed again that there is a star getting ready to graze our magnetic field. This magnetic plasma discharge will cause a magnetic pole shift reversal, (we know this because we have already done the research) along with catastrophic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tidal waves to inundate the coastlines of every country. We don’t claim to be experts, only following what the Holy Spirit put on our hearts four years ago when we started this blog for God. Those that have been following this blog for a while have seen the posts, we have written about this as the “Second Sun” in the menu at the top of the blog. However, if you are just now reading this, please prepare your hearts and your souls for the Warning/Illumination of Conscience that is coming as God’s Divine Mercy. If you don’t prepare now, and a catastrophic event occurs that can kill you, you will not have good enough reasons standing in front of Our Lord at your judgement why you did not take advantage of all of the Warnings He has given us through His Blessed Mother and His Saints, Mystics, and Prophets! Here is the message regarding the celestial body.

Here is the video that Ron Ray did with Mother and Refuge of the End Times!

We will continue our discussion on Purgatory, because believe it or not, there are some Catholics in heresy because they don’t believe in Purgatory! We just posted all of the videos on the Book, “Manuscripts on Purgatory”, from Uniqueley Mary with a Nun giving her testimony in Purgatory to another Cloistered Nun, who is alive and writing all of these messages down in her diary. God gives us graces like this so that we stop listening to all of those people that say, there is no scriptural proof of Purgatory! Here is a fantastic homily by the late Father Mark Beard speaking to his own congregation about this book, before he died a few months ago in a tragic car accident. Lord, we pray for Father Mark Beard to be released in Your Heavenly Kingdom soon by Your Divine Graces and Mercy.

Now, if we think we don’t have many sins to worry about because Satan has blinded us so badly to the state of our own souls, please listen to St. Leonard of Maurice giving the best sermon ever, about the importance of Confession! Wow! Thank You Lord, for giving us this video to wake us up out of our blind stupor of sin and how we must strive for perfection to make ourselves worthy of Heaven and to love You perfectly with all of our hearts, all of our minds, all of our souls, and all of our being!

Many people will say stop scaring us about this planet or celestial body that is supposedly coming because it is wrong to scare people. To this we say, God has been warning us for many centuries now on what is coming because of the negligence of our own sins! Stop using fear as an excuse to not get your soul rightly ordered back to God and seek Repentance. If you go to confession and ask for His pardon and Mercy, then you have nothing to fear! We are only serving God at this time to help us all see how bad SIN really is not only in our own souls, but all throughout the world! At some point, God is going to take over to purify all of us because He has to intervene for the salvation of souls. The Divine Will messages from Our Lord tells us over and over again how sinful we are as His created. This is because of our own wills, and God is trying to get us all back to the way He originally created us as Adam and Eve were before the fall.

Here is Uniquely Mary with another great video about the book, “Get us Out of Here”, which is a book about a Mystic named Maria Simma who was visited on a regular basis by the Poor Souls in Purgatory with a charism she received from Our Blessed Mother to pray for these poor souls and offer up Holy Masses. This particular video is Part One about the Occult and what the poor souls told Maria Simma about how people open themselves up to these sins.

Here is Part Two of the same video by Alvaro and Uniquely Mary.

The more darkness of sins that cover the earth, the more justified is God’s wrath to save us because His Mercy and Justice come from all Love. If He doesn’t intervene, all souls could be lost to the evil that keeps growing from Satan’s wicked deceptions. However, before God’s Purification comes, He is going to allow His Divine Mercy for us because God is just that merciful! We will continue the teachings on the Book of Revelation, from Frances Hogan from Shalom World. Here is the Book of Revelation Chapter 20A.

Each one of Frances’ teachings is fantastic and she continues to educate us on the Spiritual battle that is taking place constantly against us and our Church by Satan all the way up until He is locked up by God for a period of time as described in the Book of Revelation.

Here is Frances Hogan with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 20C.

Here are the latest messages on After the Warning Website. Here is the latest from Luz De Maria.

Here is a message given to Jennifer from Our Lord about the signs coming from Jerusalem. We have all been witnessing SIGNS everywhere, but just as evil keeps growing, so do the SIGNS from God that we must REPENT and turn back to Him. Besides the Warning sign of standing in front of Our Lord Spiritually to see the condition of our souls, another big sign will be when we see the Planet or “Second Sun” because then we will know everything is getting ready to occur in a succession of events. Here, Our Lord is discussing the rainbow as a sign from Him. When we see a huge rainbow in the sky all over the world, we will know that this is the plasma discharge that Luz De Maria was referencing above about a planet grazing our magnetic field. See how all of these messages are starting to fit together now?

Here is the latest given to Giselle Cardia from Our Blessed Mother.

Here is the latest message given to Ned Dougherty from St. Michael the Archangel.

Here are the latest messages given to Pedro Regis from Our Blessed Mother.

Here is St. Anthony to Eduardo Ferrera.

Here is the latest message given to Valentina Papagna about the Solemnity of Christ the King!

Here is the latest video from Mother and Refuge of the End Times.

Here is an older message from November 22, 2023, posted on Mother and Refuge about Our Blessed Mother being given the title, “Emperess of the Americas”. Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadulupe.

For those that are still uncertain about the validity of the messages given to Luisa Piccarreta by Our Lord, here is an excellent discussion by Father Chris Alar and Daniel O’Connor.

Our Blessed Mother said to Luz De Maria that She will protect us and there will be a great sign of Her as Our Lady of Guadulupe.

Let us PrayLord, we ask that Our Blessed Mother leads us by Her hand into Your Sacred Heart. We pray for the gift of Your Divine Will, and we pray that we are made worthy to receive this gift during Your Purification. We pray that our souls be washed white and that we may endure all of the trials to be Purified in order for Your Kingdom to come to earth. If we have not repented of all of our sins now, please guide us by Your Holy Spirit to the nearest confessional to confess our sins to Your Priests to be rightly ordered back to Your Sacred Heart. We can do nothing without Your pure Love of Divine Mercy and Divine Justice. We pray for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother on this special Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadulupe to pray for us to become Your Saints. We ask this in Your Most Holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.

Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. Fantastic Interview with Ron Ray on Mother and Refuge of the End Times and Lorena Hernandez on Little Girl Mystic in Mexico. Excerpt from Volume 20 in the Divine Will by Luisa Piccarreta. Revealing a Nun’s Secrets from Purgatory from Uniqueley Mary. U.S. Grace Force Interviews Daniel O’Connor on the Persecution of Our Priests. Interview with Whittney Webb and Clayton Morris on Redacted on Exposing a Plan for a False Flag Cyber Attack. Also, what is the Militia of the Immaculata Created by Saint Maximillian Kolbe? Father Jim Blount on Servants of God on the Importance of Holy Water!

Goodmorning Disciples of Jesus Christ. Happy First Sunday of Advent. As we only have a short time to prepare for Our Lord’s birth, let us all continue to spend as much time with Him in the Holy Mass and Adoration. We have a lot to share again, and now that many events are manifesting themselves, we continue to push ourselves more and more in God’s Divine Will and be concerned less and less about the things of this world. The last time the Holy spirit spoke very clearly to me audibly was last year when I was coming out of my sleep, He said the words very in my ear, “Do not worry about the things of this world, for these things will go and come, but remember what I taught you, for this is most important.” Sadly, I did not realize this would be the last time I would hear Him audibly speak to me because I was moving into the dark night of the senses. However, it makes sense now looking back, because Our Lord is disposing us to greater works for Him, and cleaning out the remaining dirt and defects from our souls in preparation for what is coming. This is what Frances Hogan has been teaching us in the Volumes of the Divine Will that Our Lord disposes our souls for greater sanctity when we keep pursuing His Holy Face and praying for Him to make us His Saints. I recently asked Our Lord in Adoration how to get through this dark night and keep purging my defects and He said to me interiorly, “Persevere in Prayer.”

Let us Pray Lord, I fuse all of me in all of You, and all of You in all of me in Your Divine Will. I place all of my intention today and every day to be in Your Divine Will from the moment I wake up until my last dying breath to live, work, serve You, and love You in Your Divine Will. I pray for all of my actions to be pleasing to You and to You alone, I Surrender my thoughts, words, works, joy, and happiness and unite them to Your thoughts, words, works, joy and happiness for the salvation of all souls past, present, and future. We praise You Lord with Your Divine Praises, We Glorify You with Your Divine Glory, We Love You with Your Divine Love. We lift You up as King of the Universe, Christ Our King, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Here is another teaching by Father Chad Ripperger on ascending in holiness titled “Combating Evil is an integral part of becoming holy”. Everyone should be listening and learning as much as possible from Father Chad Ripperger and other Priests and Religious on how to ascend in holiness. This is because when the Holy Spirit is teaching us through these Holy Priests and Religious, we are learning everything that the Saints have taught us, thus we are constantly striving to remove our sins and defects and praying for God’s graces and virtues. Our willingness to keep ascending in holiness to be in union with God is what prompts Him to keep giving us the Graces to overcome these defects, thus eventually removing all defects of sin, and predisposing our souls for greater sanctity. This predisposing our souls means, He is making our souls a resting place for Him, because God cannot be in the presence of sin.

Here is Volume 20, excerpt from September 23, 1926, on how our living in God’s Divine Will is used by God is making up for all those who continue to sin against the Holy Trinity, and also giving all of humanity the universal goods that God has been wanting to give us prior to Adams fall.

September 23, 1926
How one who must do universal goods, must make up for all. The three planes of the Will of God. I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Will, with a piercing in my soul for not having seen my sweet Jesus. Oh! While trying to do my acts in His Will, since I did not feel Him together with me, I felt part of me being torn away, and I felt my little and poor existence being torn to shreds without Jesus. And I prayed that He would have pity on
me and return soon to my poor soul. Then, after much hardship, He came back, but so very afflicted because of the human perfidy. It seemed that nations upon nations were brawling, to the point of preparing deposits of weapons in order to fight against each other, and preparing unexpected things to make battles arise. What madness – what human blindness. It seems they no longer have sight to see good, order, harmony; but they have sight only to see evil. This blindness makes them go out of their heads, and so they do crazy things. In seeing Him so afflicted because of this, I said to Him: ‘My Love, leave this sadness; You will give them light, and they will not do it. And if my pains are needed – I am ready, as long as they all remain in peace.’ And Jesus, with dignity and severity, told me: “My daughter, I keep you for Myself, in order to form in you my Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat – not for them. I have made you suffer even too much to spare the world, but because of their perfidy, they do not deserve that I keep making you suffer for their sake.” While saying this, He seemed to hold an iron stick in His hands, in the act of throwing it over the creatures. I was frightened, and I wanted to relieve Jesus from His affliction, so I said to Him: ‘Jesus, my Life, for now let us occupy ourselves with your Kingdom, so that You may be cheered. I know that giving You field to let You speak about It is your joy and your feast. Therefore, let your acts flow together with mine, so that, with the light of your Will, more than a sun, they may invest all creatures, and I may constitute myself act for each act, thought for each thought. I will enclose everything; I will take all of their acts as though in my power, to do everything that they do not do for You. In this way, You will find everything in me, and your affliction will depart from your Heart.’ And Jesus, consenting to my yearnings, went around together with me, and then told me: “My daughter, what power my Will contains. It penetrates everywhere as light; It expands, It gives Itself to each act, It multiplies Itself to infinity. But while It does many things and multiplies in each thing, It remains always One, as It is, keeping all of Its acts, without losing even one of them. See, my daughter, the first plane done in my Will in the name of all creatures and for all of them, was done by the Sovereign Queen; and She obtained for all creatures the highest good of making the longed-for Redeemer descend upon earth. One who acts for all, and in the name of all, and makes up for all deserves universal goods that can serve all. The second plane done in my Supreme Will was done by my Humanity. I embraced everyone and everything, as if all were one; I satisfied for all, I left not even one act of creature without constituting my act in it, in such a way that the glory, the love, the adoration to my Celestial Father might be complete for each act of creature. This impetrated the fruit of my coming upon earth – it gained salvation and sanctity for all. And if many do not take it, it is their fault – not the fault of the Giver. Therefore, my life impetrated universal goods for all; I opened the gates of Heaven for all. The third plane will be done by you. This is why, in everything you do, I make you act for all, embrace all, make up in the name of each one of their acts. Your plane must be equal to Mine; it must be unified to that of the Celestial Empress; and this will serve to impetrate the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Nothing must escape one who must do a universal good, so as to bind to all creatures the good she wants to do. In order to make up for all, the acts done in my Will form double chains – but chains of light, which are the strongest, the longest, not subject to break. No one can have the ability to break a chain of light. It is more than a solar ray, which no one can shatter, and even less bar its way, preventing the ray, with its length and width, from reaching the place it wants. These chains of light bind God to give universal goods, and the creature to receive them.”

So, if we are still in the dark night of the senses, which is where I am personally, maybe some are in the Illuminative Way that follow this blog, we are still combatting a defect that God is trying to remove from our souls. Remember, St. John of the Cross teaches that moving from the Purgative Way into the Illuminative Way in the Dark Night of the Senses can take anywhere from 2 to 20 years! However, we are making progress! This is why we are living in the greatest period of time ever to become God’s Saints! God is giving us the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind to become His Saints, so much so, that many of us may bypass Purgatory all together and go straight to Heaven when we die, and this could very well occur with martyrdom. This should not be a fear to become a martyr for God, because we should embrace the idea that God is calling us to become His Saints! If we are attempting to live perpetually in God’s Divine Will, we are asking God to make us His Saints and this will come with many trials and tribulation. This only comes with our continued desire to love and please God, and also our continued desire to learn from the previous Saints on how to ascend in holiness.

Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website. Here is the latest from Luz De Maria on Saint Michael the Archangel telling us that a star is getting ready to graze our Earth’s magnetic field causing a huge shift in catastrophic events. If you recall what was told to Gianna Sullivan in Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Our Blessed Mother told Gianna that when we see the “Second Sun” events will become extreme in the weather. This is also Planet 7X or Planet 9, or Nibiru, whichever is preferred for these celestial bodies to be called. If Planet 7X has 7 celestial bodies in its own little mini solar system that is making an orbital path around our Sun, then this large object we see, will either be a real binary Sun in this mini solar system, or it will be Planet X, that is so hot with gases, it appears to look like a “Second Sun”. Either way, take a look at this latest message.

Here is the latest message given to us from Jennifer by Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is the latest from Manuela Strack.

Here is a message from Our Lord to Anne, the Lay Apostle.

Here is the latest message given to Pedro Regis from Our Blessed Mother.

Here is Eduardo Ferreria.

Here is the latest message given to Mirija from Medjugorje.

Lastly, here are the latest messages given to Valentina Papagna.

Here is another message from Our Blessed Mother given to Valentina Papagna.

As we prepare our souls, hearts, and minds to be as close to Our Lord as possible, let us keep the Peace of Jesus Christ, Our King in our hearts. No one has all of the answers of how or when Our Lord is going to come with the Warning/Illumination of Conscience, so we just continue to prepare like the five wise virgins, and we keep our lamps lit with oil. Everything we do should always be filled with love, joy, and peace, because this is what God wants from His Disciples. If you feel your peace slipping a little bit, increase your prayers because this is what Our Lord keeps saying to all of us. “Persevere in Prayer!” We now place an image of Our Lord right in front of us when we pray the family Rosary because I can see Satan trying to distract our Children and myself while praying. We must remember to pray well, and to do this, every prayer must come from our hearts with love for God. We are going to post these videos about the book, “Manuscripts on Purgatory, as Seen by Two Mystics.” Uniquely Mary has been posting these and they are fantastic, and many of the messages given to us from a Nun in Purgatory also confirming similar messages given to Luisa Piccarreta from Our Lord in the 36 volumes. Here is the first video.

Here is another video from Uniquely Mary about this wonderful book.

Here is another video from the Nun in Purgatory about prayer. Luisa Piccarreta was told many times by Our Lord that if the prayer is not said from the heart and for love of God, it is wasted prayer. Meaning, that if we pray with distraction, or have no love of God in our prayer, God hears it, but is not inclined to answer the prayer. So, this book adds confirmation of what Our Lord explained to Luisa and many other Saints about the importance of Prayer.

Okay, now we can move forward with a great interview conducted by Ron Ray and a woman named Lorena Hernandez from Mexico with her own blog. In this video, she explains about an unknown little girl from Mexico that has also been getting locutions, and visions from our Blessed Mother and Our Lord, and instructions from the Saints since she was 3 years old, including from Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta! The focus for her visions, and locutions has been on the Warning/Illumination of Conscience, which is what Our Lord wanted our prayer group to also focus on, because we all know our lives will change dramatically when Our Lord does bring the Warning. The first part of the video is about a little boy that has received a message because Ron is trying to show that our Lord is pouring out His Holy Spirit on little children.

Ron Ray with Mother and Refuge stated he was going to follow up with more of these messages, and most likely confirm that a Bishop is actually reviewing these messages from this little girl, who is most likely going to be a Saint, if everything Lorena Hernandez discussed is true.

Here is another video from Mother and Refuge of the End Times.

Here is the latest video from U.S. Grace Force with Daniel O’Connor.

Here is Gabbi after hours with a talk on becoming Fearless Apostles of the Eucharist.

Here is a video from Ron Ray and Mother and Refuge of the End Times with a warning to parents about allowing their children to attend a Taylor Swift concert and what they may be exposed to unknowingly.

Now, for more information from Clayton Morris on Redacted with an interview with Journalist Whittney Webb exposing what the elites are doing in our government on allowing foreign non-profit organizations back door access to our critical infrastructure systems. This is what she is reporting from her own research, and it is not surprising that we have been handing over our government to be compromised by cyber-attacks. This is all just a bigger plan to crash our systems in order to push us into a digital currency.

Here is a video explaining what the Militia of the Immaculata that Saint Maximilian Kolbe created.

Here is Father Jim Blount with Servants of God explaining the importance of Holy Water! We may need to drink Holy Water daily!

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.