New Messages to Prophet John Leary Through January 5, 2021! Also, Congress in the United States Has Certified the Electoral College Votes in favor of Joe Biden, But We Must Continue To Have HOPE in our Lord! Earthquakes Everywhere, by Pastor Paul Begley and Mary Greeley News! Also, Perry Stone’s Visions of America – The Coming Earthquake and Tsunami!

Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. It appears that the Electoral College votes have been certified by Vice President Mike Pence last night. So, where we go from here is to continue to PRAY, HOPE, and TRUST in our Lord. We don’t get discouraged, and we don’t stop believing that no matter what happens, Our Lord is going to take care of us. What caught my eye last night watching the protestors breaking into the Capitol Building was the scaffolding that appeared to be strategically placed in front of the Capitol Building for people to climb up and access the Capitol. Not sure why they would have that there knowing that hundreds of thousands of people were coming to rally for President Trump. I can guarantee you that was no mistake, just based on my own investigative background experience from my previous job. Also, not having enough Capitol Police, or National Guard there or even Washington, D.C. Police present before the rally started was very strange. What we have to remember is that Satan wants us to be divided, and the Elites are serving Satan. What we have to look at from a very broad perspective was how easy it is for anyone to carry a Trump flag and wear Trump supportive clothing, but not necessarily be a Trump supporter. Here is a video from America Stands News that shows an ANTIFA organizer at the Trump Rally, and inside the Capitol Building.

Also, Here is LifeSite News interviewing a man that is a Trump Supporter and stated he just got carried away in the moment because he believes our government is not listening to the American people and our republic is being overtaken.

So, it appears that it could have been a planned event of having ANTIFA organizers dressing up as Trump supporters rushing the Capitol Building and breaking in, then many actual Trump supporters following, believing that this is our last chance to save our Country. But, as Christians, we know that violence is never the way to defend our Constitution. We have to stand up for God and our Country the best way we can in prayer, and believe that God is going to win in the end, no matter what happens. We can’t get caught up in the deception that the Elites and media keep reporting, but listen to what the Holy Spirit is guiding us to, and pray for what Our Lord wants us to do to Serve Him. Our Lord continues to tell us through the Prophets to keep praying for the Truth to be revealed, so that is what we will keep doing.

Here is pastor Paul Begley and his reporting on the protestors yesterday, and the earthquakes that came out all over the place yesterday.

Here is Mary Greely News also reporting on the 11 large earthquakes that occurred yesterday!

Okay, what is important is to notice that all of this is building up on the earthquakes that are actually occurring and the dreams and visions that the Prophets continue to receive from Our Lord. Here is Perry Stone saying that he believes big earthquakes and tsunamis are coming soon for the United States’ Coast lines.

Now, what is even more amazing, is how all of the Prophets that we have listed in this blog are beginning to sync up with their prophetic messages, visions, and dreams. Here are Prophet John Leary’s latest messages from Our Lord through January 5, 2021!

Here some very important messages that we will cut and paste that are exactly in synchronicity with Pastor Perry Stone and what he has been getting in his visions.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil the Democrat leaders have been to cause their people to commit acts of treason to steal this election from your President. If your officials do not change their mail-in fraud ballots and the cheating Dominion machines, you will never have another fair election. The judges, the election people, your media, and your high tech corporations were all joined together in the worst fraudulent election that your country has ever seen. If your Georgia election continues this fraud, then you will have a communist government of thieves. Pray for your President and this Georgia election that they be resolved for the sake of your people. The deep swamp stinks to high heaven so much, that this is why this evil is being flushed down the latrine in your vision. This is also a sign that this evil will be removed at a certain point in time. After the Warning and the tribulation, I will bring My judgment down against all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. My faithful need to have patience, but you could see My intervention in all of this evil even before My Warning. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges, but you will see punishments come in natural disasters and plagues because of your abortions and your fraudulent election.”

Monday, January 4, 2021: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you many natural disasters in My visions before, but these visions of the tsunamis today on both the East and West coasts, will be the result of some large earthquakes. These events are more signs of the end times that you have in the Gospel of St. Matthew that speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. Do not mock My prophesies because when you see these events happening, there will be no doubt that they are signs of the end times. My son, you are a witness for the end time signs, so let the people repent and come to Confession to be prepared for the serious events that are about to unfold. Trust in My protection when I will call you to My refuges of safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to see children who are suffering beatings, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse from their parents. Children are My gifts of creation, and they need to be loved and helped in their school work, and not ignored or abused. It is even more unfortunate when one parent abandons their children. It is very difficult for single parents to keep a job and take care of their children. Pray for the parents who are struggling to support their families with low paying jobs, and pray that the parents make time to be with their children. Pray for the children so they can be brought up in a Christian environment to help save their souls. It is more difficult for the children in this virus time where they have to do virtual teaching at home. Your society needs to be more open, because isolation is causing more problems than the virus. Pray for a healing of your society’s divisions, and to have loving family members.”

Saturday, January 2, 2021: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living amidst a pit of vipers that are trying to poison you with cheating, corruption, and even fornication. You know My Commandments of love, but you see evil people spreading viruses around you, and soon the evil ones will try to force vaccines on you. Refuse to take this new vaccine with nano chips that could control you, and change your DNA, even if they threaten to kill you. If the evil ones make these vaccines mandatory, I will need to call you to My refuges of protection. I am showing you this ladder to pull you out of this evil world, and this represents My haven of protection at My refuges. When you see mandatory vaccines and mandatory chips in the body, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges, where you will stay throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not, because My angels will protect you, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, China is actually planning a military takeover of America, and it could start from Canada and Mexico. Your President is bringing your troops home from other countries to protect your homeland. He is also directing several of your aircraft carriers to protect your East and West coasts. China will first try to immobilize your country using an EMP attack against your electric grid. The Chinese will fight in union with Antifa and communist groups against your military and your patriots. My faithful could be in danger, and that is another reason I will call them to the protection of My angels at My refuges. My angel power will be more powerful than any military weapons, so trust in My protection at My refuges. In the end My power will triumph all over the evil ones.”

Keep praying Disciples! We must be in God’s Divine Will, and we must keep praying for His Precious Blood to cover us daily for protection!

Emmanuel- “God is with Us.” Jesus, We Trust in You. Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world, have Mercy on us sinners. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done.

3 Replies to “New Messages to Prophet John Leary Through January 5, 2021! Also, Congress in the United States Has Certified the Electoral College Votes in favor of Joe Biden, But We Must Continue To Have HOPE in our Lord! Earthquakes Everywhere, by Pastor Paul Begley and Mary Greeley News! Also, Perry Stone’s Visions of America – The Coming Earthquake and Tsunami!”

  1. I would like to know where the “Jesus Said” quote comes from? Where did you find such information about a quote of Christ? I certainly believe that prayer is the way to go, but I also do not believe that you should be a martyr for cause and be defenseless slaughtered! Christ said pray for your enemies, he did not say let them pulverize you to death.
    Please read the history of the Crusades against the Muslims and America against the British. Christians need to stand firm ground on their commitment. WWII is also another great example of
    Standing ground.
    If you quote Christ, please do so with a reference or footnote so those that read the quote can have supportive documentation. It serves well to those who do not believe. Even on a question to the Catholic church – their answer is: John Leary is recognized by the Catholic Church as a slightly deranged individual who is spouting heretical nonsense: Mr. Leary ( a self proclaimed prophet, apparently) does not seem to be in accordance with Theological directive or understanding.
    On the political side: Trump should be respected for the desire to try to be heard because he felt he had a legitimate reason to object to the election process. He was not heard, or listened to, or given to opportunity to present his case in court. If someone has something to say – they should be heard. We all have issues that we feel are important – even if they are strange to others. Patience and listening need to be practiced.

    Thank You!

    James E. Kendrick


    1. Hello James. We are in support of President Trump, and we would like him to be heard in court and win this election. We agree with you and so does John Leary. His agreement of President Trump and Our Lord’s request for us to pray for him is in his website, and we post his website on the blog page every time we cut and paste his prophetic messages from his site. Private Revelation that he receives from Our Lord is something you can discern for yourself, and if he uses the words, “Jesus Said” it is because he is repeating what the Lord told him to say and he uses quotes on his site. It is up to you individually to pray about everything you read and discern if it is Truth. This is something all Christians know regardless of denomination. We also agree with you about being martyrs for Our Lord and for Our Church in defense of God. John Leary is certainly not deranged and recently had a prophetic message fulfilled from 2012 on the Pandemic. You can go to the Page in this blog that lists Current Modern Day Prophets on “End Time Prophets, Bloggers, and Watchmen”, and review his videos Parts 1 and 2 that speak about the Pandemic that Our Lord warned him to inform the Faithful was coming. Have a Blessed Day.


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