One Thought Everyday. Am I doing the Will of God?

Good Morning Disciples of Christ! We have talked about extensively our Surrender to Jesus Christ, and Our Transformation into His image. As we are being Transformed by the Holy Spirit, and face our different trials everyday of rejecting the enemy and his negative bombardments of temptation, our next step is to ask ourselves, am I doing God’s Will? What does this look like? How do I know if I am doing God’s Will? This is difficult for all of us and I often question myself to ensure that I am on the right track. We know this sounds simple, but as we move closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it doesn’t get easier until we have learned to just let everything go and give it to Jesus. A lot of us, including myself, have control issues thinking, well God gave me the brain to figure it out, so why can’t I fix this problem? This is because God allows us to go through trials that He knows will force us to reach out to Him to help us and comfort us. When we experience these trials, it humbles us into understanding that we have to depend on God for everything. Then, when He gets us through something, it increases our Faith, and we realize that He is listening, and He is with us, and answering our prayers! This is a continuous process, until we become like little children before Him, and we have completely surrendered.

Jesus tell us that we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:2-4, “He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, ‘Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Jesus is telling us that we will not enter the kingdom of heaven, unless we humble ourselves. So, what is He doing as we enter these trials? He is teaching us to be humble! This also calls to mind of why we are going to go through some labor pains, and part of the distress or mini tribulation before His wrath. He is humbling all of us as countries and nations in disobedience to His Will. We, His Children, will be protected in a refuge or safe haven, but we will get to witness the humbling experiences of others so that they will turn back to Him, so as to not lose their souls forever. Psalm 91:7, “Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.” This is why after we, God’s Children, have entered the refuge, more souls will continue to be saved by turning back to Him, marked by God’s seal with the Holy Legions of Angels, and continue to enter our refuges.

So, if we have Surrendered to Jesus Christ, and are going through our Transformations into His image, how do we know we are still moving forward to become His Disciple? We wake up everyday and ask ourselves, am I doing God’s Will today?

We all have lives to live with our jobs and our children, but are we continuing to receive all of the graces we need to continue our Transformation? As we have said before, this takes effort on our part every moment we breath in God’s air and every moment we breath out God’s air. This may sound a little dramatic, but it really isn’t because we are bombarded by temptation constantly in our environments we live in and our own minds. So, how do we tackle this the best way we can? We continually ask ourselves, am I in God’s Will? First, we should start our day off in prayer and thanksgiving to Our Lord the minute we wake up. Some of us say prayers for a long period of time, with a cup of coffee, or some of us say a short prayer before we get ready for work and pray more when we get home. Some of us also are able to go to the Holy Mass everyday and receive the Blessed Sacrament, which is best. But if you can’t, it is important to at least wake up and acknowledge Our Lord’s presence in our lives everyday. Remember, we are working on a Relationship with Jesus. I often wake up and say Good Morning to all three of the Blessed Trinity, and Our Blessed Mother. I give thanks for everything, including waking up another day to serve Jesus! Next, as we are praying to Our Lord, we ask for God to give us the graces to do His Will today.

God’s Will is different for everyone in discerning the plan that He has written for each of us in His Book of Life. However, God’s Word in Scripture tells us how to stay in His Graces, to continue to battle against temptation and keep moving forward. So, at some time throughout the day, maybe after work, or before work, get out your Bible and read His Word. Some people say to just read a few lines and reflect, but I like to read whole chapters and reflect on the whole message. This is because as the Holy Spirit gives us understanding, we are putting everything into context and looking at the bigger picture of the message. When we read God’s Word, we have to pray for understanding from the Holy Spirit. I have heard people say they have read the whole Bible several times, but I don’t see them attempting to change into God’s image. We have to remember that God is looking at our Hearts! If we are not sincere in our hearts that we want to be Transformed into the image of Christ, then we will not receive the graces for that change, and we may not receive understanding from the Holy Spirit. We have to also pray for God to give us the Graces to Love Him more today than we did yesterday, and more tomorrow than we do today. God wants to hear us say We Love Him! This is something we need to say throughout the day! As we are being Transformed, you will actually feel your Love for Him grow exponentially! Remember, we have to pray without ceasing, so we have to talk to God throughout the day, when we get a break from work or the kids, etc…

Lastly, as we are reading God’s Word, and praying throughout the day without ceasing, we have to focus on the temptations that the devil is throwing at us and reject them. These temptations come in our thoughts first, so we have to ask and pray to the Holy Spirit to help us recognize these sins and help us reject them. John 16:8, “And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation.” Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help see the sin, so that we can reject it and stop ourselves before we commit it. This may take some time for us to start to recognize the conviction, but that is okay. As long as we keep moving forward, this will get easier, so that we start to see the sin coming a mile away, and we avoid it. This is all from the Graces of the Blessed Trinity. We can not do any of this Transformation without them, and when we Surrender, we will start to see this Transformation in ourselves, and others will also start to see it.

This Transformation into the image of Jesus Christ is important not only for our own Salvation, but also for others to see Christ in us! When the Holy Spirit is guiding us, we will be more calm as the times of distress get worse, and people will come to us for guidance. So, if we are being Transformed into the image of Jesus and we start to Act like Him, Speak like Him, and Love like Him, and also point everything back to Him for His Glory, we will be walking in His Will! Then as we are walking in His Will, the Holy Spirit will start to guide you specifically to the plan that Jesus originally had for you in the Lambs Book of Life. Here is a list of 100 Bible Verses about the Lambs Book of Life.

Emmanuel – “God is with Us.” Have a blessed day.

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